英文签名图片 潮流的个性英文签名带翻译

发布时间: 2021-01-21 01:09:16





1)如果时间可以倒退,一切也就不再珍贵。1) if the time can go backwards, everything is no longer precious.2)没有永远的晴天,也没有永远的雨季。晴天晒晒太阳,雨天听听雨声,这就是心情!2) no eternal sunshine, no forever during the rainy season. Sunny day in the sun, the rain listen to the rain, this is the mood!3)我从来不投降,尽管摔成这样,没人过来扶我,我也站得漂亮。3) I never surrender, though fell into this, nobody came to help me, and I stood pretty.4)我要的不多,父母健康,朋友忠诚,爱人专一。4) I want is not much, parents health, loyal friend, lover is single-minded.5)心里有一些牵挂,有些爱却不得不各安天涯…5) in the mind have some obsession with, some love have to the Ann tianya...6)在我的青春时代我就希望你只有我一个人而我的年少只拥有着你6) in my youth I would hope that you only have I a person and I was only with you7)据说,你害怕时第一时刻想到的就是你最爱的人7) it is said that, when you are afraid the first time think of is your favorite person8)我一直盼望你来找我 发型凌乱 胡子拉碴 带着满身的悔意敲我的门。8) I"ve been looking forward to you come to my hair messy Unshaven with with regret knocked on my door.9)春天的风,甜滋滋的樱桃,桑椹咕噜咕噜的泉水,傍晚的夕阳,这些都像是你的存在。9) the spring wind, fruity cherry, mulberry loud gurgling springs, the evening sunset, the existence of these like you.10)昨天很重要,它构建了我们的记忆;明天很重要,它让我们有了憧憬和梦想。10) yesterday is very important, it builds our memory; Tomorrow is very important, it gives us hopes and dreams.11)哪天你累了,哭了,心碎了,请回头望下,我照旧在你死后等候。11) which day you are tired, cry, heart is broken, please look back, I still wait after you die.12)花布满了山头,你说过这时候会回来把我拥在怀里的。12) was full of the hill, you said you will come back with me in my arms at this moment.13)梦想一定要有,万一实现了呢13) must have a dream, one thousand achieved14)遇见你以后,我从没心没肺变成了掏心掏肺~14) After to meet you, I from the heart becomes a rink hijinks tao lung ~15)我是个坏脾气的人 希望你能在看清我是个不怎么样甚至有点差劲的人之后 不会扔下我。15) I"m a man of my bad temper I hope you can see in me is not good even after a bit of a bad man Don"t leave me.16)认定了就别放弃爱上了就别放手16) identified fell in love with don"t let go, don"t give up17)我总是在不同的地点时间扮演着不同的角色,一直虚伪靡乱着度过17) I always plays a different role in the location of the different time, has been hypocritical not disorderly spend18)我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。18) I want to love is not a lifetime don"t quarrel, quarreled but also for a lifetime.19)我用时间称自己的重量然后数落自己的肤浅与狂妄。19) I use the time according to their own weight and criticizing his superficial and madness.20)我喜欢那种很长一段没有标点的字读起来觉得就像是我对爱情喘不上气.20) I like the a long no punctuation characters feel like read my breath to the love.21)春天的鲜花开满了墙,你是我的如愿以偿。21) spring flowers full of the wall, you are my.22)有时候很想去看海,听海哭的声音。22) sometimes really want to go to the sea, guihai the voice of the cry.23)满心绪得不到发泄只能压在心底己独自吞。23) full mood not to vent pressure in the bottom of my heart only has swallowed alone.24)妳不在身旁,一个人感觉的荒凉。潮流的个性英文签名带翻译24) beside your absence, a person feel desolate.25)因为爱你我放下了所有伪装,却忘了我会受到更深的伤。25) because love you I put down all the camouflage, forget I will deeper injury.26)你给的那片荒芜请告诉我该怎么逃。26) the deserted you to please tell me how to escape.27)不主动怕失去,主动怕是自作多情27) is not afraid of losing actively, active even unfounded worry28)看着桌上的白纸黑字丶续写天空的声音28) looked at the table, the black and white written voice of the sky29)只有爱你的人有一瞬之光,穿越时空也蔓延渗透人群的心房。29) only the people who love you have a moment of light, spread across time and space also permeate the atrium of the crowd.30)我的世界是一片遍布向日葵的原野,那里满眼阳光,绽放希望。30) my world is a sunflower fields across the sunshine there eyeful, bloom of hope.31)寻到那个和你一样的背影与微笑31) to find the same as you figure and smile32)我也可以变得很不一样,我也可以笑得很漂亮。32) I can also become very different, I can also smile is very beautiful.33)岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。春花秋月夏日冬雪。33) the most beautiful time, is that it inevitable passing. Moon spring summer winter snow.34)如果某一天你要离开我会选择沉默因为你的幸福比我的挽留重要多了。34) if one day you leave I will choose silence because your happiness is more important than my keep.35)谢谢你那么美那么帅还给我Flower35) thank you gave me Flower so beautiful so handsome36)时间会告诉你越是平凡的陪伴越长久36) time will tell you the more ordinary company more long37)你的心倘徉着睡着的湖水,我把对你的谜语写在月亮上,你低声呓语,我吹息了星星。37) your heart lake if any of them to fall asleep, I write a riddle for you on the moon, you are speaking in a low voice, I blow out the stars.38)一恍惚 物是人非 当初的已改变38) a trance things had changed39)若,晴天和日,就淡赏闲云;若,风雨敲窗,就且听风吟。39) if sunny day and day, light to watch the clouds; If the wind and rain knocked at the window, and hear the wind sing.40)男人带着你的虚伪滚蛋。40) men fuck off with your hypocrisy.41)诉说你的梦站在巴黎最高的地方遥望那渺小的星星41) tell your dream in Paris highest standing ahead in the small stars42)〆一片花瓣一封情书一句暖心旳话一双妳牵着旳手。42) 〆 a petal a love letter a warm heart words a pair of you, holding your hand.43)现实并不美好,美好的不现实。43) the reality is not good, not good are real.44)天不给我的无论我十指怎样紧扣仍然走漏给我的无论过去我怎么失手都会拥有。44) day don"t give me no matter how my fingers stick to let the cat out of the give me whatever in the past, I still miss will have.45)我的心里堆着好多话…堆着堆着开成了花。45) my heart with so much... Piled with a flower.46)我遁着岁月的足迹,走过散落一地的旖旎,寻找流年深处的一季花雨。46) I dun the footprints of time, through the scattered charming, rain flower looking for time in the depth of the season.47)能不能再一次感动你然后学会珍惜最后我们谁都再也不放弃。47) can be moved again, and then you learn to cherish the last of us never to give up.48)从你忍心伤害我的那一刻起,我就知道 我的感受,你一定从没考虑过。48) from the moment you have the heart to hurt me, I will know that I feel, you must have never considered.49)水中的鱼,我泪在滴。时间撩水无痕迹,那泛起的回忆,愿是我和你在一起时光。49) the fish in the water, my tear drops. Time liao water have no trace, the glimmer of memories, may be you and I together.50)如果下辈子我们把彼此的角色对调,我?定会让你快乐。可是现在你却让我如此悲伤。50) if the next life we each other"s role reversal, I? Will make you happy. But now you make me so sad.51)迩喜欢浪我就血染战旗征天下迩想要安稳我就放弃戎马给迩家51) you like waves I blood dyed the white sign all you want safe I will give you give up a military family52)如果你采了一支野玫瑰,痛也别放手,她也需要爱。52) if you picked a wild rose, painful and don"t let go, she also need love.53)旧时光的忧伤残像,定格成生命中最绝美的画面。53) disability like, of the old time frames into the most beautiful picture in life.54)人生若只如初见, 我愿停留在昨天54) if life only such as first, I want to stay in yesterday55)如果你在冬天遇到喜欢的人,他可以把你的冬天变成春天。55) if you encounter in the winter of the person you like, he can turn your winter into spring.56)两人一起时间长了新鲜感就淡了难免就会产生裂痕其实大家都没变只是时间变了。56) together after a long time the novelty is weak hard to avoid can produce a fracture he actually don"t we change just time.57)如果你不能在我跌倒时拉我你又凭什么和我分享我重拾的荣耀57) if you can"t pull me when I fell down and you share with me and with what I regain the glory58)借我一段笑 款款摆渡这沧桑尘寰58) I borrow a leisurely ferry the vicissitudes of life waves59)看那漫天飘零的花朵,在最美丽的时刻凋谢,有谁会记得这世界她来过。59) look at the sky fallen flowers, in the most beautiful moment wither, who will remember she came to this world.60)第一根白发,得到恨;最后一根白发,得到爱。60) The first gray hair, get hate; The last gray hair, be loved.61)蘤嘟開滿孓,風嘟漸煖孓。61) open full Jue 蘤 du, du gradually warm wind Jue.62)音律起亱鴬初嗁,桃蘤嵠與卿别離。62) Early music up 亱 鴬 嗁, peach 蘤 嵠 with your separation.63)也请你从回忆里走出来 因为我们都不会再是记忆中的样子了。63) also asks you to out of memory Because we all can no longer be remembered.64)绿水本无忧,因风皱面;青山原不老,为雪白头。64) green water this easy, because the wind wrinkled face; Castle peak the original old for white head.65)我宁愿一个人生活,也不要一些虚伪的人贴在我身边,看着我痛苦。65) I would rather a personal life, also do not want some false of the people by my side, look at my pain.66)将回忆酿成烈酒入喉,从此不再挽留不再回头66) will recall that spirits into the throat, henceforth no longer retain no longer turn back67)薄云又覆一夕阳,梦语西厢,泪满裳。67) cloud and a sunset, sprawling, west wing, tears full frontal.68)时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。68) time is changing, people are changing. Some things, no matter how hard we, return not to go is can"t go back.69)我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命的曾经。69) what I miss is not you, but you give the deadly ever.70)送行时对你说保重哦 但真正想说的其实是 “带上我吧”。70) Said to you take care of yourself oh when off But really want to say is "take me".71)你是太阳会发光,我是飞蛾会扑火71) you are the sun shine, I"ll fire suppression is moths72)你放不下的只是我们在一起的时间,而不是我。72) you can not let go is the time we share together, instead of me.73)一直孤身向前走 就算四周已经连星光都消逝 也不敢回头 怕那里真的一个不舍的眼光也没有。73) have been alone and move forward If even the stars die now Can"t turn back Afraid there really a also did not give up.74)我就是我是颜色不一样的烟火74) I am what I am is the color of fireworks75)当我讨厌一个人的时候如果这个人突然说喜欢我那我就一点也不讨厌对方了就是这么有原则75) when I hate a person if the person suddenly say that like me then I don"t hate each other is so principled76)前方无绝路,希望在转角。76) in front of the blind alley, hope in the corner.77)夏夜,大概就是女孩子飞扬的裙角,和临风而来的沐浴露的香味,一切都那么轻柔,像一个吻。77) summer night, probably is the girl flying skirt horn, and the breeze fragrance shower gel, everything is so gentle, like a kiss.78)某个人,某句话。某些场景,某一首歌。总能轻易撕扯着你的情绪。78) someone, something. Some scenarios, a song. Always can easily tear apart your mood.79)实力造就经典王者绝非偶然79) strength create classic king is no accident80)有梦的人大有可为80) a dream"81)无畏过往与现状,一心向阳快乐就住在我的心上。81) past and present situation of valiant heart happy sunny lived in my heart.82)别因寂寞而恋爱恋爱会让你更寂寞82 don"t because of loneliness and love love will make you more lonely83)相遇,是一种美丽,像一座小城向晚,映着夕阳的绚烂。83), is a kind of beautiful, like a small city evening, reflecting the gorgeous sunset.84)假如曾经没获得过,那么此时的我就不会如斯念念不舍。84) if ever did not get, so at this time I won"t be as followed.85)我经的起多大的诋毁,就经的起多大的赞美。85) I the much vilified, after much praise.86)一本书,一句话,一段情,选一种姿态,让自己活的无可替代86), a book, in a word, a mood, choose a kind of attitude, let oneself live irreplaceable87)微笑着。我很坚强。87) with a smile. I am very strong.88)我爱你十年如一日沉淀,放手给你所有碧海蓝天。88) I love you ten years like one day precipitation, to give you all the blue sky.89)无聊的时候会习惯性的掏出手机看一下时间,然后解锁,翻动几页功能表,然后锁屏放回裤兜89) bored tend to take out a cellular phone to look at the time, and then unlock, flipping pages menu, and then lock screen back pockets




90)时间太长,我怕走不到一起,所以选择离开,我还爱,只是少了跟你在一起的执着。90) time is too long, I"m afraid I couldn"t get together, so choose to leave, I still love, just with you together of the persistent.91)现在的你可能读懂我的心酸?91) now you may understand my sad?92)看见你笑眼一弯呀,所有天上的星星,就被叮叮当当地摇响。92) to see your smile eyes one curved ah, all the stars in the sky, has been rattled and ring.93)曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。93) once upon a time, I would like to share with you all my secrets, but now, you become the secret of my heart.94)不知道为什么听见你说回不去的时候突然很想抱住你。94) don"t know why hear you say not to suddenly very want to hold you back.95)想要忘记一段感情,方法永远只有一个:时间和新欢95) want to forget a relationship, method only a forever: time and new sweetheart96)我拒绝了所有人的暧昧,只为赌你一个不确定的未来。96) I refused all ambiguous, just to bet you an uncertain future.97)愿所有停留不了的爱,洁白如兰花,纵使明日又隔天涯。97) may all can"t stop love, like white orchids, even if tomorrow the end of the world.98)大雾弥漫整个天空,勾勒起那唯美的曾今。98) the fog pervades the whole sky, draw the outline of the beautiful once.99)时间久了,人就旧了。99) over time, people are old.100)╬═☆我的天是灰色的,我的心是藍色,觸摸着妳的心,竟是透明的。100) ╬ ═ I day is gray, my heart is blue, touch your heart, is transparent.101)凤凰花花语:思念,离别,火热青春。101) phoenix flower says: miss, parting, fiery youth.102)分手后不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过.不可以做敌人.因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人.102) after break up can"t do the friend, because hurt each other. Can not do the enemy, because loved each other, so we become the most familiar strangers.103)㈠個微笑,代替所冇。103) to a smile, instead of the no.104)我们总在最不懂爱情的年代,遇见最美好的爱情。104) we are always the most do not understand love s, meet the best love.105)时间健步如飞,感情一日不如一日。105) time have legs, feeling a day than a day.106)朋友是我们自己选择的家人106)friends are family you choose107)涂上颜料的生活,艳丽的颜色掩不住苍白的过往。107) coated with paint life, gorgeous color can"t cover up the past of pale.108)别让自己受伤太深,放手给他碧海蓝天有何不可他非你良人怎知你情深。108) don"t let yourself hurt too deep, let it go why not give him blue sky and he not know how deep you your beloved.109)悲伤重叠悲伤,寂寞沉淀寂寞。109) Precipitation overlapping sad sad, lonely lonely.110)既然回不到以前,那么就好好活着110) Since back to less than before, then have a good living111)心痛在低鸣,悲伤逆流成河。111) heartache in low hum, sad river.112)如果我说爱我没有如果错过就错过你会不会难过。112) if I say love me no if you miss you miss you will not be sad.113)你我情如白雪,永远不染尘。113) I love you like snow, forever don"t dye dust.114)在我荒唐的青春里,你主演的角色无可替代114) in my ridiculous youth, you starring role irreplaceable115)但愿你的眼睛只看得到笑容,但愿你以后的每一个梦都不会落空。115) I hope your eyes only see the smile, I wish you every dream will not perish.116)虽然不知道数学老师上课在讲什么,但感觉好像很厉害的样子。116) although don"t know what math teacher talking about in class, but it felt like very much.117)留住快乐的 忘记不快乐的 认真的对自己说一声“亲爱的自己 一切都过去了”。117) keep happy forget unhappy seriously said to myself "dear myself All over now."118)你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。潮流的个性英文签名带翻译118) you are my dream be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, I am your dispensable.119)不管喜不喜欢,人生都得有一半时间在黑暗中度过119) like it or not, life will have to half the time spent in the dark120)即使给我盛放的蔷薇,贪恋的只怕是那芬芳的气味。120) even rose to me, nothing is lust is the smell of the fragrance.121)爱情不一定要外人觉得配不配 而是你一出现在我面前 我就认定了是你。121) Love is not necessarily an outsider feel unworthy But you appeared in front of me I decided that it"s you.122)我们都是好孩子,没有道理不幸福。122) we are all good children, there is no reason not happy.123)每一寸思念飘在空中,落成一朵花。123) Every inch yearning float in the sky, was a flower.124)漫漫长夜,有的只是一个人对一个人的思念。124) all night long, there is only one of a person"s thoughts.125)我遇见你,是最灿烂的花开,最美丽的意外。125) I met you, is the most brilliant flowers, the most beautiful accident.126)-每个人都有一张面具,而我们往往不知道面具下是一张怎样的脸。126) - everyone has a mask, but we often don"t know what is under the mask a face.127)当有人把你推倒了,不管多苦多累,也要站起来狠狠地还他一巴掌。127) when someone put you down, no matter how bitter more tired, also want to stand up and gave him a slap.128)像我这么单纯的人做不来这么有心机的数学题128) was simply do not like me come so have all the math problem129)待到春花烂漫时,我期待与你温柔邂逅!129) until the spring flowers, I look forward to working with you gentle encounter!130)你读书,喝茶,听风,看雨,叙生,目望天涯。130) you read a book, a cup of tea, listening to the wind, watching the rain, Syria, eyes looking at the end of the world.131)我们都在时光里跌跌撞撞地成长然后一点点离开最初的模样131) we are all stumbling growth in time and then leave a little bit of the original appearance132)我们总是强调,这个世界上没有童话,却又憧憬童话般的爱情。132) we always stressed that the world no fairy tale, but looked forward to the fairy tale of love.133)感情的背后是欺骗时间的背后是谎言133) feelings behind is cheating behind time is a lie134)我是那种别人给点温暖,我就开心好久的简单人物。134) I am kind others give some warm, I was happy for a long time the simple characters.135)爱有时很矛盾 会在风浪之中显得摇摇欲坠 却又不甘于无味的平淡。135) Love is sometimes very contradictory, Will be in the wind and waves look shaky But does not dare the tasteless insipid.136)疏远的原因大概是我需要你的时候而你恰好都不在。136) the reason of alienation is probably when I need you and you just don"t.137)在物事已非的景色里。叫我如何喜欢你。137) in the view of the object is not in. How can I like you.138)我们总是拿着很长的时间去证实一个开始就知道结果的事138) we always take a long time to confirm a began to know the result139)想要和你走到最后的,可时间不给我机会139) want to go with you to the final, but time didn"t give me the opportunity140)歇斯底里的在内心深处放声呐喊,触痛了心脏的每一根神经。140) hysterical screaming in the deep heart"s core, touched the heart of every nerve.141)别问别人为什么多问自己凭什么141) why don"t ask others to ask yourself why142)无事心不空,有事心不乱,大事心不畏,小事心不慢。142) Nothing not empty heart, fine heart not disorderly, big heart not afraid of, small heart is not slow.143)你在牛逼你在火,你能憋的住尿吗?143) you cow force you into the fire, you can suppress the piss?144)时间在一点一点证明你不是陪我走到最后的那个人144) time in bit by bit to prove that you are not the man who walked with me in the end145)彼岸的妳我不會再有任何關聯,因爲妳愛的只有她。145) the other shore you I won"t have anything to do, only because you love her.146)有些伤口,别人永远看不见,因为它就在你的心里深藏。146) some of the wound, the other people never see, because it is deep in your heart.147)当那些偶尔旳温柔再次从你嘴里说出时,我已经离你而去。147) when the occasional tenderness from your mouth again, I have to leave you.148)其实时间久了,谁都会变148) in fact, time is long, who will become149)只要你不离不弃哪怕一辈子我也奉陪到底友情也好爱情也罢149) as long as you leave even if all my life I shall get friendship or love150)其实很想。消失很长一段时间。150) really want to. Disappear for a long time.151)阳光如此的慵懒刺眼,足以将眼底的泪意晒干151) so lazy dazzling sunshine, is enough to retinal tears dry152)时间快要一年了。我们跌跌撞撞还是回不到从前。152) time is close to a year. We stumbled or back less than before.153)生命与生活是两回事分享生命究竟是怎么样一回事玄得很还是分享生活比较好懂153) are two different things to share life and life life is how one and the same xuan very or share life is easy to understand154)你听,那些余音未散,也许是我门的年华未央。154) you listen to, those no loose, maybe it"s my time not ended.155)我喜欢他穿校服的样子,简单,干净,阳光155) I like the way he wear school uniform, simple, clean, sunshine156)如果你主动一点!我们不仅有故事还会有孩子!156) if you take the initiative to point! We not only have the story also can have children!157)我一直努力为你戒烟戒酒,默默满足你的要求,用心呵护用心守候,你却连分手都没有理由。157) I have been trying to give up smoking and drinking for you meet the requirements of you in silence, caress attentively attentively waiting, but you have no reason to break up.158)天会黑,人会变,三分情,七分骗,路还长,别太狂,指不定以后谁辉煌158) it will be black, people will change, three points feeling, seven points cheat, the road is long, don"t be too crazy, who sometime later159)︶让你的风铃晃动的,是风;让你的生命灵动的,是爱。159) ︶ let your bells shaking, is the wind. Clever, let your life is love.160)哪有人喜欢孤单,不过是受够了失望。160) which someone like lonely, but is fed up with disappointment.161)你嘴角向下的时候很美,就像安和桥下清澈的水。161) when the corners of the mouth down you are beautiful, like Ann and the clear water under the bridge.162)我可以用一只手来征服天下,只需要你牵着我的另一只手。162) I can use one hand to conquer the world, only need you to take my other hand.163)喜欢你解释的时候,我会忍不住笑163) like you, I"ll laugh164)回想当初以为不能没有你的我 现在没有你还是好好的 像个幸存者一样 走运并且孤独。164) Back in thought that we can not live without you I"m not you is fine Like a survivor Luck and loneliness.165)最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质 而是陪伴在你身边的人 和陪你到最后的人。165) is the most precious is not you have substance But with the people around you and accompany you to the last man.166)别指望你的冷眼和贱嘴能对我造成什么损失,你以为你是我家狗呀冲我叫几声我就给你块骨头呀166) don"t expect your coldly and base can mouth what damage to me, do you think you are my dog barking to me few times I will give you the bones167)世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。167) there is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond.168)总有人会在你耳边说的:这不是你该做的。168) always someone in your ear said: this is not what you should do.169)现在的拼搏,是为了将来的辉煌169), now is for the future170)即使不带走那片风景,也带走了甜蜜的回忆。170) even if you don"t take away the landscape, but also take away the sweet memory.171)每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。171) everyone tired, no one for you bear all shangbei, people always have a period of time to learn oneself grow up.172)觉得应该放弃他了 但是时间那么久了好舍不得。172) think he should give up But so long time good loathe to give up.173)时间会咬人,你不走会满身伤痕173) time will bite, you don"t walk will be covered in bruises174)花时间去解释不如花时间去证明174) take the time to explain than take the time to prove175)遗憾的是从来没有感受过被人坚定选择的感觉.175) it is a pity that never feel being firmly choose to feel.176)有时候 失望到一定程度后 反而会开出一朵花来 那朵花的名字叫 无所谓。176) After sometimes down to a certain extent Can a flower leaves to come instead That is the name of the flower.177)他们说心只有拳头那个大,所以我的心很小,只能松下一个你177), they say only a fist that big heart, so my heart is very small, panasonic has only one you178)我们就这样,淡化一段情;你选择新欢,我选择时间。潮流的个性英文签名带翻译178) so we, fade a feeling; You choose your new love, I choose the time.179)“为什么你明知我不会接受你还要追我”“因为我喜欢你呀”179). "why do you want after me knowing that I won"t accept your" "because I love you!"


180)蓝色的思念,演变了夏天的阳光。180) blue thoughts, the evolution of the summer sun.


181)痛经像炫迈口香糖痛感十足久到离谱。更重要的是根本停不来!181) dysmenorrhea like dazzle to mark Wallace gum pain is very long. More importantly, don"t stop!182)暗恋,是道凄美的角落风景,视线未曾离开,而心却刻满伤痕和疲惫。182) has a crush on, is a corner of the beautiful scenery, never left the line of sight, the heart is engraved with scars and exhaustion.183)手牽手壹起走過每壹天,我們壹生的承諾。183) one hand in hand through every one day, we are one of commitment.184)淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化.184) to drench the rain of air, tired of the sad, my memory of the fairy tale has slowly melting.185)有时候爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才能怒放。185) sometimes love is a subtle flower, need time to be in full bloom.186)蔷薇盛放的年华尽端,你微笑的剪影,是守望静谧的唯一的微光。186) the roses bloom time end, you smile silhouette, is the only light watch quiet.187)总以为来日方长总有大把时间来挽回和原谅187) always thought there always has time to redeem and forgive188)爱久了,成了一种习惯;痛久了,成了一道刻痕;恨久了,成了一种负担。只是等待,无论时间是否冲淡了一切。188) for a long time, love becomes a habit; Pain for a long time, has become a notch; Hate long, become a burden. Just wait, no matter whether the time dilute all.189)你和她打来闹去你说是在逢场作戏,那你和我在一起是不是在练演技189) from you and she to you is in take part in accidental amusement, that is you and me together in practice190)童话里有你我的故事*190) have you my story * in fairy tales191)借我七秒的时间三秒说我爱你四秒来拥抱你191) I borrow seven seconds three seconds to say I love you four seconds to hug you192)时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。192) time is not let a person forget pain, but let a person accustomed to pain.193)友情的最高体现,就是在别人看来你们都是同性恋193) the highest expression of friendship, is to others, all of you are gay194)三月桃花,两人一马,明日天涯。194) Peach blossom in March , two people a horse, tomorrow the end of the world.195)寂寂梨花,淡淡其华,轻轻飘散,随风入画。195) ji ji pear flower, light, its China floating gently, the wind show.196)某一天你我暮年,静坐庭前,赏花落,笑谈浮生流年196) someday you and me twilight, sit before the court, flowers fall, joke can"t time197)时间可以冲淡痛苦,但我并不想用时间治愈一切197) time can dilute pain, but I don"t want to use time to cure everything198)谁还记得那个发育不全整天被大脸妹欺负的小子阿衰198) who remember the hypoplasia bullied by big face younger sister"s son all day o failure199)你不是伞不用一直撑着199) you don"t have to always walked with not umbrella200)将双手抱住头仰望天空,无限的思绪和遐想开始蔓延,飞向远方200) his hands looked up at the sky, an infinite thoughts and imagination began to spread, fly to the distance201)习惯了孤独,习惯了一个人,习惯了一切的一切。201) used to the lonely, accustomed to a person, accustomed to everything.202)有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。202) one day the man walked into your life, you will understand, true love is always worth waiting for.203)不要去追一匹马,用追马的时间种草,待到来年春暖花开之时,就会有一批骏马任你选择。203) do not go after a horse, with time of chasing the horse grass, spring for the year, there will be a group of horse of your choice.204)与你的记忆,开在下一个花季。204) and the memory of you, the next flower open.205)谁的自尊心不是比天还高,越是优秀的人,越是怕输。205) whose self-esteem is not is higher than the sky, the more good people, the more afraid to lose.206)你始终隐藏在我记忆的最深处一个连我自己都触不及的角落。206) you always hidden in my memory most deep place a touch even my own all not as good as the corner.207)我会爱你很久很久到时光不朽。207) I will love you for a long, long time to time.208)有的时候,感觉情好疲惫,却再也无法回到从前。208) sometimes, the feeling is good feeling tired, but can"t go back in time.209)我小小的世界,装不下太多,只能装下在乎我和我在乎的人。209) my little world, to hold too much, can only hold care about me and I care about people.210)我在浪费时间,我在挥霍时光,我在模糊现在,我在恐惧未来。210) I am wasting my time, I was spending time, I in fuzzy now, I am in fear of the future.211)半篇琴谱奏一世渊源,箫声萦绕叹一生惆怅。211) Yuanyuan, half a piece of piano music I disappointed sigh life is haunted.212)把脸一直向着阳光,这样就不会见到阴影。212) your face always towards the sunshine, so cannot see the shadow.213)玫红的玫瑰湖与森绿的薄荷岛好像都没办法拒绝。213) mei red roses lake and sen green mint island seems to be no way to refuse.214)我有一个秘密花园,里面装着那些年,我和你的记忆。214) I have a secret garden, containing in those years, I and your memory.215)我想拨开人群去找你却又不得不把你还给时间215) I would like to through the crowd to find you the but again had to take back your time216)我们每个人都是梦想家,当梦走了,就只剩想家了。216) each of us is a dreamer, when dreams go, only want to home.217)你说我的眼睛灿若星辰,那是因为你是星辰,而我的眼中只有你。217) if you say my eyes shimmering stars, that"s because you are the stars, but my eyes only you.218)一个人有一个人的痛快说不定还能悟出了道理潮流的个性英文签名带翻译218) was a man who had a person"s time still perhaps can realize the truth219)生下来就在努力努力长高努力进步努力学习这都是必要的219) was born in efforts to efforts to grow to progress it is necessary to study hard220)可能我这一生也是这样 但是没关系真的没关系 有回忆就可以了。220) may I this life the same way But it doesn"t matter really doesn"t matter Have a memory.221)时间一直在走,不为你我停留,再回不到最初。221) time walked in, not I stay, for you to go back to less than the original.222)你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年 在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌222) who you are, but because of who I am passionate pen teenager In a perfect city waste way passed into a song223)就像大多数时候你对别人说的那些发自肺腑的情话,可能最感动的也只是自己223) as most of the time you said to the people of the visceral line, is perhaps the most touching is only yourself224)乱了心扉的夜,思念深吻着心跳,凝望夜空,那颗最明亮的星星映出了你的模样。224) the heart of the night, miss kissing the heartbeat, gazing at the night sky, that you are silhouetted by the glow of the brightest stars.225)我心眼儿有些小,但是不缺;我脾气很好,但不是没有。225) I will be a little, but I don"t lack; My temper is very good, but not without.226)秋光寒,泪影泣,你拿虚伪骗我半生。浮梦醒,血色染,我用余生毁你面具。226) cold autumn light, shadow of tears tears, you with your hypocritical cheat me half. Floating dream, color dye, I use the rest of my life destroyed your mask.227)时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你。227) time won"t let me forget you, will only habits without you.228)时间,不一定能证明许多东西,但一定会看透许多东西。228) time, may not be able to prove that many things, but will see through many things.229)出来时带大大的行囊 应该是和你被泅渡在无边无际的寒冷里留下的后遗症吧。229) to come out with big bags should be and you are swim across in the boundless cold leave sequela.230)我涉旷野丛林而来,你撑船渡我,入灿灿花海。230) I wade jungle wilderness, punting you cross me, into the fluorescent flowers.231)能冲刷一切的除了眼泪就是时间231) can brush all except the tear is time232)潮流的个性英文签名带翻译232) aesthetic individuality signature girl is pure and fresh233)很多时候盲目的喜欢只是因为对方即兴对你的好你就靠着这点感动毫无指望的走了这么久.233) many times blind impromptu like only because each other"s good for you you are moved by this hope is gone so long.234)我一路向北渴望与你殊途同归234) I want to with you the same journey north235)灼灼桃花十里,取一朵放在心上,足矣。235) spring peach blossom miles, take a heart, is enough.236)曾经的爱情是多么的华丽,现在的爱情是多么的落魄。236) once love how magnificent, now love is how down and out.237)等待你的关心,等到我关上了心,左手依然没有握住你的右手。237) wait for your concern, wait until I shut the heart, left hand holding your right hand is still not.238)喂,想请你吃个饭,地方你选,清晨大雾的森路海洋无人的胡同世界尽头的星空,只要别约在梦中。238) hey, want to ask you to eat a meal, where you choose, the morning fog, sea no one lane that starry sky at the end of the world, as long as you don"t around in a dream.239)遇见你这么美好的事情,像森林听见风声,像黑夜缠绕星辰,像夏天相配西瓜,像海洋容纳蓝色。239) to meet you such a good thing, like a forest heard the wind, like the night around the stars, like summer watermelon suitably, like the ocean blue.240)我也在独自穿越黑暗 在寻你的途中 因喜欢你 借着你的光 瞧见了从未见过的世界240) through the dark I was alone Find your way Because like you by the light of you, see have never seen a world241)一场四人经历的爱情 一个死了一个疯了一个睡了 只有我背负着所有的秘密。241) a four people experience of love One died a crazy a sleeping Only I carry all of the secret.242)时间和距离让我们的感情变淡了,分开了,陌生了242), time and distance to let our feelings faded, separated, stranger243)时间在不断的教会我接受真实的东西无论是真实的幸福还是真实的痛苦。243) real time in the church I accept both real happiness or real pain.244)始至终我都只是一个人孤单的走在这条曾经和你牵手的街上。244) and I"m just a person lonely walk in this article used the street hand in hand with you.245)我不怕生命有挫折回忆有褶皱唯有你说要放弃我不愿附和245) I am not afraid of setbacks life is memories have fold only you say to give up I don"t want to echo246)我们常常追求自己喜欢的人,忽略了身边喜欢自己的人。246) we often pursue oneself of the person you like, ignoring the beside the person like yourself.247)有梦就该勇敢去追,一腔孤勇你别怕,起码你还有自己。247) dream should go to chase bravely, the cavity solitary yong you don"t be afraid, at least you still have yourself.248)╮陽侊芐,夢境壹般啲丗界。╭248) ╮ Yang 侊 芐, the 丗 bound to dream. ╭249)哪怕未来不再让人期待 至少我们还共同拥有一个温暖的过去。249) even if the future is no longer to let a person look forward to at least we have Shared a warm in the past.250)我漫无目的的走走停停,却始终走不出你的世界。250) I aimless stop-go, but always go out of your world.251)你光芒万丈 你如神一般深居我心 不容亵渎 因我知你只可远观而不可亵玩.251) you You like god deep in my heart is not profane Because I know you can only far view and not to use.252)没有你的一生,在长也是余生。252) without your life, in the long and the rest of my life.253)我是一个弹性很够的人,你对我好,我对你好,你对我不好,我试着慢慢减轻对你的好,再尝试对自己更好。253) I am a man of an elastic is enough, you are good to me, I to how are you, you bad for me, I tried to slowly ease of good for you, try to better myself.254)请把时间当成一种奢侈品,每分每秒,是用心花费。254) please see time as a luxury, every minute, is spent by heart.255)你善装聋作哑也谢谢你没给过我希望255) you are good looking also thanks you didn"t give me hope256)我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强。我若不快乐,谁替我哀伤。256) if I do not brave, who for me strong. If I am not happy, who is sad for me.257)我的手心里盛满你的眼泪 它已经残废。257) my hand in the heart filled with your tears It has been disabled.258)我的眼睛是世界上最美的眼睛因为我的眼睛里有你258) in my eyes is the most beautiful eyes in the world because have you in my eyes259)人走茶凉 凉不过青丝成霜 只是在等旧人而已259) people walk tea cool Cool but moss into cream Just waiting for the old260)い我要做奈何桥的守护者这样我就可以陪你渡过。260) い I want to be the guardians of the helpless bridge so I can accompany you through.261)你必须明白要走的人你留不住,装糊涂你叫不醒,不爱你的人你感动不了。261) you have to understand that you do not leave to go, you don"t wake, playing dumb with someone who doesn"t love you you can"t move.262)鲜花含雨露,绿草带朝烟,童年的雨天最是泥泞,却是记忆里最干净的曾经。262) flowers with dew, and the green grass with the smoke, the rainy days the most of childhood is muddy, it is one of the cleanest memory once.263)◇◆ヽ笑出来的就是阳光。っ263) in pieces to cardiac ヽ laugh is the sunshine. っ264)学会把话吞进肚264) learn to swallow words into the belly265)也许放弃才能靠近你,不再见你,你才会把我记起。265) may give up to close to you, never to see you, you will remember me.266)他们都说失去了才懂珍藏,其实珍藏后的失去更痛。266) they say lost just know cherish, actually cherish after losing more pain.267)【曾经他是心事,后来他是故事,现在他是往事。】267) 【 once was on his mind, he is a story, he is now past."268)张杰有喜欢的嘛一个我爱了我五年的男人268) Zhang Jieyou like the one I love my man for five years269)用最初的心陪你走最远的路张苛269) with the original heart accompany you farthest way a zealous




270) I hope I can give up my shadow, because that way I will be very quiet.271)时间开始怂恿劝深爱的人放手271) Time began to encourage advised love deeply of the person to let go272)伱能不能不要那么贪心,就连离开也要把我的心带走。272) you can don"t be so greedy, even left to take away my heart.273)蒲公英的花语:无法停留的爱。273) dandelion says: can"t stay of love.274)多年以后,我不小心哼出了你的容颜,就像睡着的白梅梦见了春天。274 )years later, I accidentally hum out of your face, like the sleeping salted and dried plum dream of spring.275)时间过得太久了。久的让我忘了你的模样。275)Time is too too long, Let me forget you look like.276)用快乐搅拌香浓的咖啡,用幸福烘烤原麦的面包,用温暖叫醒亲爱的你。276) stir with happy coffee, with happiness baked wheat bread, with warm wake you dear.277)时间是自称包治百病的庸医。277) Time is alleged cure-all quack.278)就是喜欢这么义无反顾,我叫李金伟,喜欢的人是温楚云。278) is like so fiercely, I called Li Jinwei, WenChuYun is the one you like.279)等待并不可怕,怕的是时间久了自己无法自拔,而你却说你不是我的那个他279) waiting is not terrible, afraid is time for a long time unable to extricate yourself, and you say you are not my that he280)你总会发光 纵然万般模糊只凭影子也总能一眼认出你的样子。280) you will shine even if so fuzzy solely by the shadow also can always recognize you.281)情深似海抵不过时光蹉跎281) oceans are offset time wasted282)永远不要埋怨你已经发生的事情,要么就改变它,要么就安静的接受它。282) never blame you already happened, or to change it, or quiet accept it.283)零一年生于南方喜于北方烈酒故事愿识你283) and annual in southern xi in northern liquor story would like to know you284)曾约定 一直要到海枯石烂 是不是我真心都换不回你的爱284) have agreed until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble If I really can"t change back to your love285)我想在最适合的年纪,穿上最美的婚纱,嫁给最稳妥的人。285) the most suitable age, I want to put on beautiful marriage gauze, married to the most reliable person.286)有时候我真想让时间快进 看看到最后这一切到底值不值得。286) sometimes I really want to fast forward to watch to see the last it is worth.287)樱花满地集于我心,楪舞纷飞祈愿相随。287) cherry blossom everywhere in my heart, wish 楪 dance fly along.288)人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去的话。288) there are three things in life irreparable: time, opportunity, and speak out.289)你不知道吧我喜欢角落的位子我喜欢孤独冷清那还不是我怕我和热闹不合衬。289) you don"t know what I like to seat in the corner of the I love lonely cold that"s not I"m afraid I and lively line.290)阳光给你洗洗脸,晨风给你刷刷牙,微笑一下,给自己加油打气。290) sun to wash your face, morning breeze to you brush your teeth, smile, cheer for yourself.291)一段经不起时间的爱情,成为我生命中最残缺的美丽。潮流的个性英文签名带翻译291) for a period of time can"t afford to love, become the most incomplete beauty in my life.292)我不够圆滑见识也很少带着浓烈的稚气不懂得弯恭屈膝但只要你对我好我自然对你差不了。292) I be tactless insights and rarely with strong childlike not know ready and bend your knees bend but as long as you are good to me my poor natural to you.293)喜欢童话,是因为那里有最美的结局。293) like fairy tale, because there are the most beautiful ending.294)让时间说真话,懂我的留下来。294) let time tell the truth, know what I"m staying.295)无法控制的情绪,心又一次被回忆扯痛。295) unable to control emotions, heart again be torn to painful memories.296)总还是有那么多美好的原因,让我们快乐。296) there are so many good reasons, always make us happy.297)我本戏子无情胜有情怎配你的青梅煮酒笔墨丹青。297) the player I how ruthless - love matches your childhood cooking wine ink painters.298)感觉自己什么也不缺,仔细想想又什么也没有298) feel don"t lack anything, think about it and what also have no299)时间改变不了什么,只有你改变一切299) time changes nothing, only you change everything300)假如每次想起你,我都会得到一朵花,那么我心中早已开满了一座花园。300) if every time I think about you, I will get a flower, so my heart is already full of a garden.301)玫瑰开满了舞台,华丽演出共襄盛举,最后却只是我一个人孤独散场。301) rose with the stage, the participation splendid performance, finally only I a person lonely dismissal.302)是的,我早恋了,我爱上一个人了,我痴迷了,但我不想后悔302) yes, I love, I fall in love with a man, I love, but I don"t want to regret303)灯火太过耀眼 模糊的视线阻隔不了你早已走远似近在眼前。303) the lamp is too bright don"t cut off the line of sight of fuzzy you already go far seems imminent.304)﹌★其實,丗界上最好的東西,往往都是免費的,却也是常常被忽畧的。╳灬304) painted ﹌ actually, 丗 world the best of things, tend to be free, but also often be suddenly 畧. ╳ 灬305)物是人非 有些梦破碎的太完美305) things some dream broken too perfect306)[朋友就像狗,谁有骨头跟谁走]306) [friend is like a dog, who has the bone and who walk]307)女孩,请在每一刻保持美丽,因为你是不一样的自己,愿你是阳光,明媚不忧伤。307) girl, please maintain beauty in every moment, because you are not the same as you, wish you are the sun, bright and beautiful is not sad.308)当握住一杯热水等真正烫的时候也就放下了。308) when holding a cup of hot water and when it"s really hot also went down.309)即使你满身带刺不容我接近攻击性强我依旧忍不住想要抚抚你受伤的背脊。309) even if you"ll let me close to aggressive thorny I still can"t help but want to fondle your injured his back.310)有些爱只能止于唇齿 掩于岁月310) Some love can only check on the lips, Mask in the years311)就算你什么都没有我也还是会爱你311) even if you have nothing I will still love you, too312)//站在车来车往的十字路口,抬头看天空斑斓的云朵。312) / / standing in the car to car to the crossroads, looked up at the sky colorful clouds.313)你的眼睛会发光不适合悲伤未来路还长你要挺直胸膛313) your eyes shine in the future road is not suitable for sad long straight chest you want314)是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。314) is your pale I wait, irony, my obsession.315)我们不会为悲伤而失去理智,反而我会为这次伤心而成熟。315) we have not a sad and lost his head, but I will for this sad and mature.316)满天星每个枝头都有无数的花朵,就像愿望,你不会只有一个愿望,所以希望你所有愿望都能实现。316) all over the sky star each branch has a myriad of flowers, like the desire, you will not only have a wish, so I hope all your wishes come true.317)等一个黄昏,爱一个清晨317) a dusk, love one morning318)做一个向日葵族,面对阳光,不自艾自怜,每天活出最灿烂的自己。318) do a sunflower, facing the sun, not the ai self-pity, live out the most brilliant themselves every day.319)水纹珍簟思悠悠,千里佳期一夕休。从此无心爱良夜,任他明月下西楼319) water lines Jane Dian leisurely, li ritual is fast. From then on, no good night I love, he west wing under the moon320)就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙,别忘了山谷中寂寞的角落深处,野百合也有自己的春天!320) if you want to stay open in the water delicate and charming narcissus, don"t forget to deep valley in the lonely corner, wild lily also have their own spring!321)你大病一场捂着失了爱的心脏带一丝戏谑的笑看着自己的傻。321) you holding his lost love in the heart of a of a serious illness with a playful smile looked at his foolish.322)温山软水也不抵你唇畔吻过的桃花。322) yamauchi soft water also do not cover your lips kissed on the Banks of the peach blossom.323)一个人无助的站在海边,看潮水涨幅,听海水翻腾,忆过去幸福。323) a person helpless standing on the seashore, watching the tide rose, listen to the sea, have the past happiness.324)阳光洒下一地斑驳的影子,我却无法拼出自己支离破碎的心。324) under the sunshine a mottled shadow, but I can"t spell out his broken heart.325)时间是怎样划破了我的皮肤把我变成什么死样只有我自己最清楚325) how time I tore my skin become dead sample only myself most clearly326)念着念着就淡了想着想着就忘了时间就是这样带走一切旳。326) The read the read the weak want forgot taking everything is such one time.327)有些话,说与不说,都是伤害;有些人,留与不留,都会离开。327) some words, said and don"t say, are hurt; Some people, leave and not to leave, will leave.328)因为失去童年,我们才知道自己长大因为逝去岁月,我们才知道自己活着因为失去,我们才懂得时间328) for lost childhood, we didn"t know I grow up because of the past days, we didn"t know I live, that has been lost before we know the time329)时间与爱若能成正比,我愿长相厮守以致不离不弃329) is directly proportional to the time and love if can, I would like to be so330)?以岁月为弦 赠你惊世情歌330)? For years the strings Give you surprised the traditional song331)痛因为在乎,爱是因为悸动,在习惯了你的存在之后,我的世界多了一种感觉。331) pain, because care about, love because stirring, after accustomed to your presence, my world for more than a feeling.332)我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。332) I like those flashy things, like the winter snow, the stars in the sky, and your eyes.333)抱着自己喜欢的人才是最好的感觉333) with their own talent is the best feeling334)要感谢生活的磨难让我知道谁真谁假 334) Thanks to the hardships of life to let me know who really who fake335)我站在你离开的地方,思念如此蔓延,一切措手不及。335) I"m on your left, missing is so spread, all by surprise.336)我看见他人执着莫名的心酸 却忘了我也是这样的人336) I saw others persistent sense of sad, Such a man forget me too337)当初炽热编织的一场场梦如今早已积淀成了空洞的冷风337) when hot comfortable dream weaving now have accumulated as empty cold wind338)当你在抱怨无人伴你之时 请想想自己可又有死心伴于何人338) when you are complaining about no one with you Please think about yourself and be with in person339)都说你眼中开倾世桃花,却如何一夕桃花雨下。339) all say open your eyes tilting the peach blossom, but how one evening peach blossom rain.340)我的照片永远照不出那个时候的开心,因为你走了带走了我的灵魂与笑容!340) my photo never shines out of the time happy, because you went away my soul and smile!341)涐扪窮烬①甡呿尋找洎巳所噯の那嗰亽,夲莱僦媞丄偙賜予涐扪の迗职。341) E ammonites poor grains (1) Shen Qu searching what Ji have ay の the 亽, lady who can lai Jiu picked her falling in with 偙 give E ammonites の 迗.342)如若今生再相见,哪怕流离百世,迷途千年,也愿潮流的个性英文签名带翻译342) if this life meet again, even if were immortal, lost in one thousand, also wish343)我们不吵不闹不炫耀,我们安安分分一起老。343) we don"t noisy don"t make don"t show off, we be content with the old.344)我以为时间是最好的偏方,原来治好的全都只是皮外伤。344) I think that time is the best folk prescription, turned out to cure all just skin injury.345)时间几乎会愈合所有伤。请给时间一点时间。345) Almost time will heal all wounds. Give time time.346)放弃谈何容易,这个道理谁都懂,或许时间只能轻描淡写,故事始终都在,没有剧终,只有不断的变化346) it was hard to give up, who all understand this truth, perhaps time can only be played down, always in the story, not the end, only the constant change347)这个世界上有很多事情是无能为力的,比如生老病死,比如光阴流逝,比如你不爱我。347) there are many things in this world is helpless, such as physical, such as the time goes by, such as you don"t love me.348)时间告诉你什么叫衰老,回忆告诉你什么叫幼稚。不要总在过去的回忆里缠绵,昨天的太阳,晒不干今天的衣裳。348) the time to tell you what is aging, memories tell you what is naive. Don"t always in the memory of the past lingering, yesterday"s sun, sun dry today"s clothes.www.yw11.com349)爱过我的人都不在身边了我爱过的人也都已经走远了我也终于变得不像那年的自己。349) loved I don"t have my people I loved people have walked away I also finally become don"t like that myself.350)你说你不想长大可是时间不允许你这么放肆350) what do you say you don"t want to grow up time but doesn"t allow you so wild351)等你来,海角天涯,和我一起山花浪漫。351) when you come, cape tianya, mountain flower romance with me.352)要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的子。352) to write it on your heart that every day is the happiest child in a year.353)风很清澈,从头到脚都快乐。353), the wind is very clear, from head to toe.354)活在物质的世界上你叫我不要那么在意金钱利益和地位,敢问你是在开玩笑吗354) live in the world of the material you call I don"t care about money and status, dare you are kidding355)你的一句对不起让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离355) your sentence sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to the distance356)一处花开,一抹闻香,最动人的沁人心脾,花下,人醉。356) a flower, a bit of charm of the most moving refreshing, flowers, people drunk.357)我爱的你是那个在阳光下的白衬衫少年啊[酷友网原创]357) I love you is the white shirt in the sunshine teenager original] [cool friends network358)那些让你睡不着的心事,都会变成天上的星星。358) that will make you mind could not sleep, will become the stars in the sky.359)忘不掉曾经的拥有,只会让此刻的心更痛。359) forget once have, will only make the heart more pain at the moment.360)“就算我忘记一切,我都不会忘记你,因为你,就是我的一切”360)"even if I forget everything, I will not forget you, because of you, is everything to me"361)人的伟大之处是在于面对困难的时候还能摆出崇高的姿态。361) man"s greatness is facing difficulties can also pose lofty stance.362)时间是爱人头上的白发,印证着岁月风霜历经磨难后的安然宁静。362) Time is lover head of white hair, after verifying the years wind and frost encounter difficulties in peace.363)怎能把暂时的欢愉错当永久的快乐363) how can mistake temporary pleasure when permanent happiness364)纵然你满身污垢如刺猬仍有人伸手长拥无忌讳364) even if you covered in dirt such as hedgehog still someone stretch out his hand long have no taboo365)如果喜欢的方式分上亿种,那么,我一定对你用了最错的一种。365) if you like the way hundreds of millions of kinds of, so, I must be for you to use one of the most wrong.366)似水流年,如烟般岁月,看尽百花开遍了四季,谁比谁芬芳,谁比谁甜蜜?366) timesong, e.g. time, see flowers bloom in the four seasons, who is who fragrance, who is who"s sweet?367)铭刻于黑暗中的语言,消逝在漫漫长夜里。黎明时,战火中,重生367) inscribed in the language in the dark, gone in the long night. In the early dawn, the fighting, the rebirth368)时间会淡化一个人的记忆,却永远没有办法消磨一个人的悲痛。368) time will dilute a person"s memory, but always have no way to kill a person"s grief.369)痴情的一方注定伤的最深,自古痴情终成空。369) spoony party was destined to hurt the deepest, spoony will become empty since ancient times.370)当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。370) when there is a negative emotion, don"t say. Mind your own mouth, sometimes do dumb, is a kind of state.371)想你就像掉进甜甜圈里的小熊,爬不出来却又甜甜的。371) you like fall into doughnuts bear, couldn"t climb out yet sweet.372)我的未来不会有任何的不安怯弱,我会跟着我的心走372) my future will not have any unease of weakness, and I"ll follow my heart373)用一切换取你那廉价的爱情到头来却?无所有。373) in all for your cheap love instead? Not all.374)不是不开心,只是感觉脸早就已经不想再自欺欺人地时刻挂着微笑了。374) is not unhappy, just feel face already don"t want to delude ourselves moment smiled.375)[嘴里说的很潇洒心里却放不下]375) [mouth say is very natural and unrestrained heart but not put]376)你会不会突然的出现在街角的咖啡店376) you will not suddenly appear in the corner coffee shop377)〃最適合妳的顔色,才是世界上最美的顔色。ぐ377) "the most suitable for you quotation of color, is the world"s most beautiful colors. ぐ378)张杰说“她的眼睛里面在想什么我都知道”378) zhang jie said. "her eyes in want to what I know"379)时间就像乳沟,只要一躺下来,就什么都没有了379) time is like a cleavage, as long as a lay down, what all have no380)生活坏到了一定程度就会好起来,因为它再也无法更坏,所以永远不要悲伤380) bad to a certain degree of life will be better, because it can no longer more bad, so don"t be sad forever381)不要等着别人来重视你自己爱自己或许更重要“381) don"t wait for someone else to pay attention to your own love yourself perhaps even more important"382)他说。时间可以帮你遗忘。没有什么能抵得过时间的力量。382) he said. Time can help you to forget. There"s nothing for the power of time.383)无法拼凑回昨天,只剩一份深深的惆怅,无处安放。383) cannot be put together back yesterday, only a deep melancholy, nowhere was laid.


孩子 皮肤