——qq分组英文简约带翻译We are too young我们很年轻to talk about forever.永远在一起****************************好想抱你一下L wangt to hold you可是你离我好远But you are far from me****************************No one like you(无人像你)No noe and you(无人及你)Have you is enough(有你足矣)****************************You are the sun你是阳光You are the stars你是星光And l am just me****************************长发与眸。Long hair and eyes.森林与鹿。Forests and the deer.故事与酒。Stories and wine.****************************Routine play deeWho who really****************************I take you as life.我把你当命.Never want to give u从未想要放弃****************************Memories are so heavy.回忆这么重How do you move back.你怎么背得动****************************I never counto[我从不指望]Anyone love me[任何人心疼我]Resistance to all for me[为我抗下所有]——qq分组英文简约实用This is the end.结局就这样How can I.我还能怎样****************************I am waiting for a hug我在等一个拥抱hug aii my uneasine拥抱我所有不安****************************To my long hair and wai[待我长发及腰]The young to marry me.[少年娶我可好]****************************[ abysmal sea ]深海有光[ Dense forest ]森浓有荒[ Sky blue ]天蓝云朗[ Old time ]旧时彷徨****************************FirstLast****************************:you"re not invisibleyou"re not alone****************************old age暮年old city旧城junkman拾荒者****************************You like an idiot.[笑你像白痴.]Look at you like a fairy.[看你似仙女.]****************************blue blue your collar[ 青青子衿 ]although i do not go[ 纵我不往 ]blue blue your beltstone[ 青青子佩 ]restless ,heedle[ 挑兮达兮 ]One day not seeing you[ 一日不见 ]qq分组英文简约