epitome 《瓦尔登湖》最经典的24句话,清华校长力荐,给人以灵感的文学经典

发布时间: 2020-12-14 13:59:34

《瓦尔登湖》是美国作家梭罗独居瓦尔登湖畔的记录,描绘了他两年多时间里的所见、所闻和所思。梭罗远离尘嚣,他想在自然的安谧中寻找一种本真的生存状态,寻求一种更诗意的生活。Walden lake is a record of Thoreau livingalone by Walden lake. It describes what hesaw, heard and thought in more than twoyears. Thoreau is far away from the hustle andbustle. He wants to find a real living state anda more poetic life in the tranquility of nature.大至四季交替造成的景色变化,小到两只蚂蚁的争斗,无不栩栩如生地再现于梭罗的生花妙笔之下,而且描写也不流于表浅,而是有着博物学家的精确。The landscape changes caused by thealternation of the four seasons and thestruggle between two ants are vividlyreproduced in Thoreau"s brilliant writing, andthe description is not superficial, but has theaccuracy of a naturalist.《瓦尔登湖》曾与《圣经》一同入选美国国会图书馆“塑造读者的25本书”。《瓦尔登湖》这本书是无数人心中的经典。哈佛大学英语系教授劳伦斯 · 比尔在《环境的想象》中视《瓦尔登湖》为“圣约”和“给人以灵感的文学经典”,“与其说它是一部不朽之著,倒不如说它是一种真实的生活”。Walden lake and the Bible were selected as "25 books shaping readers" by the library of Congress.Walden lake is a classic in the hearts of countless people. Lawrence bill, a professor of English at Harvard University, regards Walden Lake as a covenant and an inspirational literary classic in the imagination of the environment. "It is not so much an immortal work as a real life.".1.我愿意深深地扎入生活,吮尽生活的骨髓,过得扎实,简单,把一切不属于生活的内容剔除得干净利落,把生活逼到绝处,用最基本的形式,简单,简单,再简单。1. I am willing to go deep into life, suck themarrow of life, live a solid and simple life, remove all the content that does not belong tolife cleanly, force life to the absolute limit, inthe most basic form, simple, simple, andsimple.2.最富有的时候,你的生活也是最贫穷的。吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出瑕疵。一个安心的人在哪都可以过自得其乐的生活,抱着振奋乐观的思想,如同居住在皇宫一般。犯不着千辛万苦求新,无论衣服还是朋友。把旧的翻新,回到它们中去。万事万物没有变,是我们在变。2. When you are richest, your life is also the poorest. A faultfinder can pick out flaws even in heaven. A reassuring person can live a happy life everywhere, holding an optimistic thought, just like living in a palace. No need to work hard for new clothes or friends. Renovate the old ones and go back to them. Everything has not changed. We are changing.3.时间决定你会在生命中遇见谁,你的心决定你想要谁出现在你的生命里,而你的行为决定最后谁能留下。3. Time determines who you will meet in yourlife, your heart determines who you want toappear in your life, and your behaviordetermines who can stay in the end.4.知道自己知道什么,也知道自己不知道什么,这就是真正的知识。4. Knowing what you know and what you don"tknow is true knowledge.

5.我看到那些岁月如何奔驰,挨过了冬季,便迎来了春天。5.I see how those years run. After winter, spring comes.6.所谓的听天由命,是一种得到证实的绝望。6.The so-called resignation is a confirmed despair.7.唯有我们觉醒之际,天才会破晓。破晓的,不止是黎明。太阳只不过是一颗晨星。7. Only when we wake up can we break thedawn. It"s not just dawn that breaks the day. The sun is but a morning star.8.一个人越是有许多事情能够放得下,他越是富有。8. The more things a person can put aside, thericher he is.

9.我步入丛林,因为我希望生活得有意义,我希望活的深刻,并汲取生命中所有的精华。然后从中学习,以免让我在生命终结时,却发现自己从来没有活过。9. I go to the jungle because I want to live ameaningful life. I want to live deep and absorball the cream of my life. Then learn from it, sothat I don"t find that I"ve never lived at the endof my life.10.为什么一桶水放时间长了会变臭,而水冻成冰以后就能永远保持甘美呢?哲人说,这就如同情感和理智的区别。10. Why does a bucket of water stink when it is put for a long time, and the water will remain sweet forever when it is frozen into ice? Philosophers say it"s like the difference between emotion and reason.11.因为在这个世界上,人只需要闭上眼睛,转个向,就会迷路。11. Because in this world, people just need toclose their eyes, turn around and get lost.12.我愿我行我素,不愿涂脂抹粉,招摇过市,我也不愿---我不愿生活在这个不安的、神经质的、忙乱的、琐细的世纪生活中,宁可或立或坐,沉思着,听任这世纪过去。12. I would like to go my own way, not towhitewash, swagger, I do not want - I do notwant to live in this restless, neurotic, busy, trivial life of the century, rather than stand orsit, ponder, let the century pass.

13.爱情无药可医,唯有爱得更深。13.There is no medicine for love, only love is deeper.14.大部分时间内,我觉得寂寞是有益于健康的。有了伴儿,即使是最好的伴儿,不久也要厌倦,弄得很糟糕。我爱孤独。我没有碰到比寂寞更好的同伴了。14. Most of the time, I think loneliness is goodfor health. With company, even the best, youwill soon get tired of it and make it very bad. Ilove being alone. I haven"t met a bettercompanion than loneliness.15.一个人若能自信地向他梦想的方向行进,努力经营他所向往的生活,他是可以获得通常还意想不到的成功的。15. If a person can confidently march in thedirection of his dream and manage the life heyearns for, he can achieve success that isusually unexpected.16.天空既在我们的头上又在我们的脚下。16. The sky is on our head and at our feet.17.智慧和纯洁来自努力,无知和纵欲来自懒惰。17. Wisdom and purity come from hard work, ignorance and lust from laziness.18.花了一个人的生命中最宝贵的一部分来赚钱,为了在最不宝贵的一部分时间里享受一点可疑的自由。18. Spend the most precious part of one"s lifeto make money, in order to enjoy a littlesuspicious freedom in the least precious partof one"s life.

19.一个人怎样看待自己,决定了此人的命运,指向了他的归宿。19. How a person views himself determines his fate and points to his destination.20.无论两条腿如何努力,也无法让两颗心的距离更加接近。20. No matter how hard the legs work, theycan"t make the distance between the twohearts closer.21.我毫不怀疑,时间是能甄别出优劣的。21. I have no doubt that time can tell goodfrom bad.22.大多数人过着一种平静的绝望生活,他们心中的歌和他们一起埋入坟墓。22. Most people lead a peaceful anddesperate life, and the songs in their heartsare buried in the grave with them.23.人生如果达到了某种境界,自然会认为无论什么地方都可以安身。23. If you have reached a certain level of life, you will naturally think that you can liveanywhere.24.一天是一年的缩影。24. A day is the epitome of a year.生命并没有价值,除非你选择并赋予它价值。没有哪个地方有幸福,除非你为自己带来幸福。梭罗在他的短短的一生中领略了这世界上一切的美好,无论在什么地方,什么时候,只要有学问、有道德的、爱美的人,一定都是他的忠实读者。Life has no value unless you choose and giveit value. There is no place for happinessunless you bring it to yourself.In his short life, Thoreau has experienced allthe beauty in the world. No matter where andwhen, as long as there is knowledge, moralityand beauty, he must be a loyal reader.读《瓦尔登湖》,初感枯燥,细思舒畅,然后像泛舟在文学长河里走了一遭。当我们合上书页时,平静安逸之感早已不知不觉的浸入心脾,这是梭罗给我们留下的瓦尔登湖,也是复归本真生活后难能可贵的精神慰藉。既然每个人都终将是这世间的匆匆过客,那么请在这注定坎坷的旅途上,多看一眼风景,认真地体会生活。Reading Walden lake, I felt boring at first, and thought about it well. Then I went on a boat in the long river of literature. When we close the pages, the sense of peace and ease has already been unconsciously immersed in our hearts and minds. This is Walden lake that Thoreau left us, and also the precious spiritual comfort after returning to the real life. Since everyone will be a passer-by in the world, please take a look at the scenery and seriously experience life on this doomed journey.

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