孕育宝宝 怎样快乐地孕育宝宝

发布时间: 2021-05-31 01:12:49


  As sharply higher numbers of women work through pregnancy, many hear thesame advice: Relax. Don't stress out or you will harm your unborn baby.


  Contrary to old beliefs, however, research shows that ordinary day-to-dayjob and home stress isn't likely to cause low birth weight or other problems formost women. Traffic delays, work deadlines and other everyday hassles aren'tlikely to pose a threat to unborn babies, researchers say, and pregnant womenwho feel they are coping well tend to do just fine.


  Instead, new studies are revealing a link between a certain kind of stressand some developmental delays in the baby: worrying excessively about thepregnancy itself.


  This 'pregnancy-specific anxiety' was linked to lower cognitive-developmentscores in babies at 12 months of age, based on a study published recently inChild Development by researchers at the University of California, Irvine,echoing other research. Women who experience this kind of anxiety worryexcessively about potential problems with fetal development, miscarriage orgiving birth.


  Researchers don't yet understand the basis for this finding. Women maybecome excessively anxious about their pregnancies because they sense thatsomething actually is amiss, which could account for the developmental delays.Or, a mother who is anxious and negative during pregnancy might tend to provideless nurturing and stimulating care after birth.


  Whatever the cause, many obstetricians are urging pregnant women to stopobsessing about stress, and seek out more support from family and friends.

  Stephen Maturen for the Wall Street Journal佩利在“专注怀孕”项目的一个小组中参与讨论


  Some obstetricians are sending expectant moms to prenatal-care groups wherethey can get stress relief the old-fashioned way: by talking to other pregnantwomen. In a program called Centering Pregnancy, about 10 expectant mothers whoare all at the same stage of a healthy pregnancy receive prenatal care in agroup. In periodic two-hour sessions scheduled with the same frequency asstandard one-on-one prenatal checkups, the women first get private screeningsfor blood pressure, weight and other health indicators, then gather fordiscussion.


  While most pregnant women face moderate stress, a smaller slice haveunrelenting, chronic strain. Women facing more difficult circumstances, such asextreme poverty, racism or serious family problems, have a higher risk ofpreterm birth or developmental problems. Also, research shows that going througha traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, during the first trimester alsoraises the risk of premature delivery or low birth weight.


  In coping with all kinds of stress, family and friends can help a lot.Social support -- kind words, nurturing friends, and surroundings that promptsmiles and laughter -- is emerging as a powerful antidote to pregnancystress.


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