As a result, economics has fewer good ideas than it should and suffers from a skewed viewpoint. It is time for the dismal science to improve its dismal record on gender.
外刊音频 来自我爱背单词 00:00 00:11基本释义
Something that isdismalis bad in a sad or depressing way.
adj. 沉闷的;惨淡不良的
追根溯源在古埃及,传说每月有两天不吉利的日子,这种迷信在中世纪传入罗马,后来又传遍整个欧洲。拉丁文用dies mali来表示。dies=days,mali=bad,所以dies mali就是bad days的意思。
后来,该词演变为法语的dis mals,进入英语后拼写为dismal,去掉了表示复数的s,从名词变成了形容词,表示“不吉利的”。16世纪后词义也发生了变化,先是由“不吉利的”变为“灾难性的”,以后又逐渐弱化为我们至今还在使用的“阴沉的”、“优郁的”等含义。
同近义词dreary:If you describe something asdreary, you mean that it is dull and depressing.gloomy:If asituation isgloomy,it does not give you much hope of success or happiness.