aqa 英国AQA《A

发布时间: 2020-12-18 22:31:23

英国高中课程简称A-Level课程,是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,其地位等同于我国的高考。该课程被誉为国际教育界的“金牌教育体系”,凭借该成绩的学生可以直接申请进入包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和所有英联邦国家在内的全世界100多个国家和地区的正规大学学习,同时还可以直接报读我国香港、澳门地区的大学[1]。因此,该课程受到了我国的外国语学校、普通高中国际部的青睐。A-Level课程体系的课程标准、课程设置及其考试分别由英国四个主要考试局Cambridge International Examinations,Assessment and Qualifications Alliance,Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations和ED⁃EXCEL等设计并组织,其权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可[2]。本研究以英国 Coordination Group Publica⁃tions出版社于2015年出版的最新版AQA《ALevel Chemistry》教材[3]为研究对象,系统介绍该教材有机化学主题的内容选择及编排特点,为我国的外国语学校、普通高中国际部的化学教学提供参考,以期促进未来的课程和教材改革。

二、英国《A-Level Chemistry》教材简介

英国CGP出版社的最新版AQA A-Level Chemistry教材由物理化学、无机化学、有机化学和实验技能四个版块,共计23章构成。并且教材标注了AS考试内容、A-Level考试内容,方便学习者针对性地选择课程内容。该教材的内容选择、编排形式与A-Level考试的课程标准相互对应,也符合化学学科的知识体系。

三、《A-Level Chemistry》有机化学主题

英国AQA《A-Level Chemistry》教材的有机化学主题由9章构成,分别是有机化学简介、烷烃和卤代烃、烯烃和醇、有机分析、同分异构现象和羰基化合物、芳香族化合物和胺类、聚合物、氨基酸和DNA、合成与分析。下面以列表的形式对第一章到第五章的知识点进行重点介绍。






表1 第一章 有机化学简介

节标题1.Basic stuff2.Isomerism知识点1.1 There are loads of ways of representing organic compounds1.2 Homologous compounds have the same general formulas1.3 Nomenclature is a fancy word for the naming of organic compounds1.4 IUPAC rules help avoid confusion1.5 A mechanism breaks down a reaction into individual stages2.1 Isomers have the same molecular formula2.2 Structural isomers have different structural arrangements of atoms2.3 Stereoisomers have different arrangements inspace2.4 Alkenes show E/Z isomerism2.5 The E/Z system works even when the groups are different

表2 第二章 烷烃和卤代烃

节标题1.Alkanes and Petroleum2.Alkanes as fuels3.Chloroalkanes and CFCs4.Halogenoalkanes知识点1.1 Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons1.2 Crude oil is mainly alkanes1.3 Heavy fractions can be cracked to make smaller molecules2.1 Alkanes are useful fuels2.2 Incomplete combustion happens when there′s not enough oxygen2.3 Burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming2.4 Unburnt hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen can cause smog2.5 Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxide3.1 Free radicals have unpaired electrons3.2 Halogens react with alkanes to form halogenoalkanes3.3 Chlorofluorocarbons contain no hydrogen3.4 Chlorine atoms are destroying the ozone layer3.5 CFCs are now banned4.1 Halogenoalkanes are alkanes with halogen atoms4.2 The carbon-halogen bond in halogenoalkanes is polar4.3 Halogenoalkanes can undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions4.4 Iodoalkanes react fastest,fluoroalkanes react slowest4.5 Halogenoalkanes also undergo elimination reactions4.6 The type of reaction depends on the conditions








表3 第三章 烯烃和醇

节标题1.Alkenes2.Addition polymers3.Alcohols4.Ethanol production5.Oxidation of alcohols知识点1.1 Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons1.2 Electrophilic addition reactions happen to alkenes1.3 Use bromine water to test for unsaturation1.4 Alkenes also undergo addition with hydrogen halides1.5 Adding hydrogen halides to unsymmetrical alkenes forms two products1.6 Alkenes also undergo electrophilic addition reactions with H 2SO42.1 Polymers are formed from monomers2.2 Addition polymers are formed from alkenes2.3 The properties of polyalkenes depend on their intermolecular forces2.4 You can modify the properties of polymers using plasticisers2.4 You can modify the properties of polymers using plasticisers3.1 Alcohols are primary,secondary or tertiary3.2 Alcohols can be dehydrated to form alkenes3.3 Distillation is used to separate chemicals4.1 Alcohols are produced by hydration of alkenes4.2 Ethanol can be producted industrially by fermentation4.3 Ethanol is a biofuel4.4 Bioethanol production is almost carbon neutral,but not quite5.1 How much an alcohol can be oxidised depends on its structure5.2 Learn what aldehydes,ketones and carboxylic acids are5.3 Primary alcohols will oxidise to aldehydes and carboxylic acids5.4 Secondary alcohols will oxidise to ketones5.5 Tertiary alcohols can′t be oxidised easily5.6 Use oxidising agents to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones

表4 第四章 有机分析

节标题1.Tests for functional groups2.Analytical techniques知识点1.1 You can test whether you′ve got a primary,secondary or tertiary alcohol1.2 You can test whether you′ve got an aldehydes or ketones1.3 Use bromine water to test for alkenes1.4 Use sodium carbonate to test for carboxylic acids2.1 Mass spectrometry can help to identify compounds2.2 Infrared spectroscopy helps you identify organic molecules2.3 The finger print region identifies a molecule2.4 Infrared radiation absorption is linked to global warming

表5 第五章 同分异构现象和羰基化合物

节标题1.Optical isomerism2.Aldehydes and ketones3.Carboxylic acids and esters4.More on esters5.Acyl chlorides6.Purifying organic compounds知识点1.1 Optical isomers are mirror images of each other2.2 Optical isomers rotate plane⁃polarised light1.3 A racemate is a mixture of enantiomers1.4 Reactions involving planar bonds often produce racemates2.1 Aldehydes and ketones contain a carbonyl group2.2 Aldehydes can be easily oxidised but ketones can′t2.3 You can reduce aldehydes and ketones back to alcohols2.4 Potassium cyanide will react with carbonyls by nucleophilic addition3.1 Carboxylic acids contain-COOH3.2 Carboxylic acids are weak acids3.3 Carboxylic acids react with carbonates to form carbon dioxide3.4 Carboxylic acids react with alcohols to form esters3.5 Esters have the functional group-COO-3.6 Esters are used as food flavourings,perfumes,solvents and plasticisers4.1 Esters are hydrolysed to form alcohols4.2 Fats and oils are esters of glycerol and fatty acids4.3 Oils and fats can be hydrolysed to make glycerol,soap and fatty acids4.4 Biodiesel is a mixture of methyl esters of fatty acids5.1 Acyl chlorides have the functional group-COCl5.2 Acyl chlorides easily lose their chlorine5.3 Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react in the same way5.4 Acyl chloride reactions are nucleopilic addition-elimination5.5 Ethanoic anhydride is used for the manufacture of aspirin6.1 Separation removes water soluble impurities form a product6.2 Volatile liquids can be purified by distillation6.3 Organic solids can be purified by recrystallisation6.4 Melting and boiling points are good indicators of purity


四、《A-Level Chemistry》教材有机化学主题的特点 1.广度和难度贴近大学化学


表6 第六、七、八、九章芳香族化合物和胺类、聚合物、氨基酸、合成与分析

节标题Section 6 Aromatic compoundsand aminesSection 7 PolymersSection 8 Amino acids,proteins and DNASection 9 Further synthesis and analysis知识点6.1 Aromatic compounds6.2 Amines and amides7.1 Condernsation polymers7.2 Disposing polymers8.1 Amino acids8.2 Proteins and enzymes8.3 DNA 9.1 Organic synthesis9.2 NMR spectroscopy9.3 1H NMR9.4 Chromatography9.5 More on chromatography












有机化学是化学中一个重要的研究领域,在社会发展、科学研究中发挥着重大的作用。我国中学阶段侧重于学生对有机物性质的认识,对于结构及转化的学习只是为了能更好地认识性质。但是,英国AQA《A-Level Chemistry》教材在此基础上,提高了知识的广度和难度,使其更加贴近大学化学,同时注重培养学生的环保意识,拓宽学生的化学视野。此外,该教材还侧重于建构知识之间的内在联系,有助于学生更加系统、深入地学习和理解有机化学。我国化学教材的编写可以合理借鉴英国教材的内容选取及编排特点,使其编排更符合学生的认知规律及化学知识的内在逻辑。


[1] 陈静,邹正.英国GCE A-level化学实验考试探析与启示[J].化学教育,2010,31:88-89

[2] 周后聪.英国CIE A-level化学教材与人教版高中化学教材的比较研究[D].北京:首都师范大学,2014

[3] Katie Braid, Mary Falkner, Gordon Henderson.New A-Level Chemistry:AQA Year 1&2 Complete Revision& Practice[M].Broughton-in-Furness:Coordination Group Publications Ltd,2015

[4] 宋心琦.普通高中课程标准实验教科书化学[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2007

[5] 单旭峰.对高中课程标准中有机化学内容的分析和思考[J].教育理论与实践,2014,34:56-58

孩子 皮肤