新视野大学英语视听说 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说第一册答案和听力原文

发布时间: 2020-12-14 19:14:58

Unit 1 Traces of the past

Listening to the world



H = Hina; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.

Part 1

H: I have a busy social life. I go out most nights after work with friends. Last night, I went out for

a meal with an old friend from university – it was really good to see her. Tell me about your social life. Do you go out a lot?

Part 2

M1: I do go out quite a lot, yeah. I ... I like to go out to bars and I quite like going to friends’

houses and having dinner and things like that.

W1: I like to go to the cinema and um, I think the last movie I saw was The Hangover – it was

very funny. And ... and I like to go to the theater also.

W2: No, we don’t go out a lot – um, possibly weekends. We go out for meals or something. 2: Not too regularly. Weekends. I play golf … um, socialize afterwards. M

W3: During the day we do. Er, in the evening, no, no. No, we don’t.

W4: My friends and I like to go out quite a lot. We go clubbing; we go to discos. W5: Yes, I go out sometimes in the village. Er, we live in a small village, so a lot of our social life

is in the village, so we go out to friends’ houses, go to parties, go to the pub.

W6: Um, not so much … but I like it a lot. I like to go to the theater, to the cinema, meet friends, eat out.

W7: Sometimes I go out for a ... for a couple of drinks with some good friends, but ... um, not very

often. A couple of times a month maybe.



1) busy

2) friends

3) university

4) social life



1A 2E 3B 4D 5C 6F

Part 3

H: Did you go out last night?

W4: We went to this club in Piccadilly Circus and we danced all night. We had a few drinks, but then mostly dancing. And there was a few guys there and they were really cute and we, like,

talked to them.

W5: We had dinner in an Italian restaurant by Tower Bridge and it was lovely. We had a lovely


evening of just looking at the … the river and enjoying the view and enjoying lots of fun with the family.

W6: Well, I went to the cinema – seeing the last Harry Potter film – ah, which I enjoyed a lot. And

afterwards I met some friends for a … for a drink in town.

M2: We went to see, er, Mamma Mia! At the Prince of Wales Theater, and it was excellent. W2: We went to the theater. We saw a play by Tom Stoppard called Arcadia, which was

extremely interesting and we enjoyed it very much. Afterwards, we went with friends for a meal. We had a Spanish “tapas” type meal, which was extremely enjoyable.

W1: Um, last night I went to, um, Westfield Shopping Center, which is in the west of London and I enjoyed a delicious meal there.

M1: Last night I went to a friend of mine’s house which is in south London and um, we went out and went to a fish and chip shop, bought some fish and chips and went home and had that with a

beer in front of the television.

Culture notes

Tom Stoppard: a British playwright. He is regarded as one of the most important contemporary playwrights in the English language.

Arcadia: a 1993 play by Tom Stoppard concerning the relationship between past and present and between order and disorder and the certainty of knowledge. It has been cited by many critics as the playwright’s finest play

fish and chips: a popular takeaway food in the United Kingdom.



1) danced

2) view of the river

3) fun

4) drink

5) west

6) delicious food

7) house

8) television



I = Interviewer; B = Baruti

I: Thank you for coming on the show, Baruti. We are all very interested to know more about your work. But, first of all, let’s start from the beginning. Um, where were you born?

B: I was born in Johannesburg in 1962.

I: Can I ask you about your childhood?

B: Yes, of course. I was the fourth child in a very big family – there were 11 of us. My father was

a teacher and my mother cleaned houses for rich people.

I: Did you go to school?


B: Yes, I did. Education was very important to my parents.

I: When did you decide to work with poor children?

B: When I was in school, one of my friends lost his parents. He had no family … um … no living grandparents, so he moved to a house for orphans. I visited him and when I saw his life there, I decided to work with orphans.

I: When did you open your orphanage?

B: We opened it in 1996.

I: We?

B: Yes, my wife and I. We got married in 1990.

I: And who’s your hero?

B: I’m glad you asked that – it’s Mother Teresa. I often think about her words: “I can do no great

things, only small things with great love.”

I: That’s very interesting. I have one more question: What’s your favorite book?

B: Let me think about that. I like many books, but Long Walk to Freedom is one of my favorites.

It’s the story of Nelson Mandela’s life in his own words.

I: That sounds interesting. Thank you. OK … now, it’s time to ask the audience for questions. Are

there any questions for Baruti? … Yes, you at the back …



1 1962 2 fourth 3 1990 4 1996



1) teacher 5) work

2) cleaned houses 6) his wife

3) lost 7) in his own words

4) visited



Carlos Acosta is one of the greatest living ballet dancers. He was the first black principal dancer at Covent Garden in London. He is famous around the world and in his home country of Cuba he is a national hero.

Carlos now travels the world but always sees Cuba as his home. All his family are still there. In Cuba he isn’t a foreigner. He says that in Cuba a child learns to dance first and then to speak. He talks about the heat and the sea, about dance and music and happiness.

“Cuba is always going to be my home. In my heart, that’s the only country, you know, and

because that’s where all my relatives are, my memories, you know, and this is the only place I’m

never going to be a foreigner. You learn how to dance first; then you learn how to speak, you know, in Cuba. It’s something that’s been passed on through generation to generation. And it’s also, you

know, the heat, and the tropic , and the sea and … it’s … it’s almost, that’s what it’s

asking for, dance and music and happiness.”

Carlos was born in Havana, the youngest of 11 children in a poor family. He often missed


school. He was a champion breakdancer in the streets but didn’t want to be a professional dancer. When he was nine, his father sent him to a ballet school. Carlos hated it. He told his father he

wanted to do something else.

“So I … I did tell him many times that I didn’t want to be … and that I wanted to … to do something else – football, you know – but he didn’t want to hear it. So, I went and … But thank God he didn’t want to hear it because thanks to that I’m here now.”

At ballet school, Carlos wasn’t always a good student and didn’t want to be a dancer. But

when he was 13, Carlos saw the Cuban National Ballet and he loved it so much that he changed

his mind about ballet. He decided to work hard and three years later, at 16, he traveled to Europe

for the first time. That year he won four major dance competitions and became famous all over the


Now he is an international star and he dances in many countries, but he still goes home to

Cuba several times a year to visit his family.



1) home

2) country

3) relatives

4) foreigners

5) speak

6) passed on

7) heat

8) sea

9) happiness

Speaking for communication



I = Isabel; M = Marek

Part 1

I: Hi, Marek. How was your weekend?

M: OK. And yours? What did you do?

I: I went for a walk. It was great!

M: Who did you go with?

I: With my boyfriend, Diego. He’s a football player.

M: Oh. Where did you go?

I: By the river. It was really beautiful. M: That sounds good.

Part 2

I: And you? What did you do?

M: Oh, I played football; cleaned the flat. I: Who did you play football with?

M: With some guys from work. We play every weekend. I: Really? Where did you play?


M: In the park. There’s a football pitch there.

I: Did you win?

M: Of course. I scored five goals!

I: Ha! I don’t believe you!


Reference answers

Isabel went for a walk with her boyfriend while Mark played football and cleaned his flat


Reference answers

1) It was great

2) He is a football player

3) It was really beautiful



The expressions you hear are 1,3,5,7 and 10

Group discussion


I = Interviewer; W = Writer

I: We are very pleased to have you here, George. Shall we start from the beginning? Could you tell

us about your childhood?

W: Yes, of course. I was born in a small town in the northeast. My father was a truck driver and

my mother worked part-time in a hospital. I have a brother and a sister. We all went to the same

local school.

I: You wrote your first novel just one year after you left college, didn’t you?

W: Yes, that was in 1993. I was only 22 then. And the next year I went to Brazil. I: Is that period of your life related to your later career in any way? W: That’s a good question. You see, it was my experience there that inspired my film Lost in the Forest, although I didn’t actually make that film until several years later, in 2008. I: When did you start making films?

W: In 2003. That was after I gave up farming.

I: Farming?

W: Yes. I stayed in Brazil for 7 years, during which I met my wife. After we came back we bought

a farm in the south of the country. A kind of experiment, really. I: That sounds interesting. Why did you give it up then?

W: It was very hard work. I was also busy working on my second novel …

Further practice in listening

Short conversations


Conversation 1

W: Hi, John. I’m back. Did any of my friends call me? We were supposed to meet at the bar for

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