关于爱情的伤感签名 关于爱情的伤感签名

发布时间: 2021-01-21 00:53:14



(1)、其實根本就沒有什麽“假如”,每個人的人生都不可重新設計。(2)、闷热的鬼天气让人心里烦躁不安The hot weather let a person heart irritable(3)、最悲伤地结局就是,我爱你那么深,你却伤我那么痛The most sad end is, I love you so deep, but you hurt me so pain(4)、无可奈何的烦躁感束缚着我的身体Helpless bind the agitated feeling of my body(5)、不甘心每个人都那么幸福,可也没有力量去改变什么。To everyone is so happy, but also have no power to change anything.(6)、寂寞,是思念留下的淚痕,望斷了天涯,卻無法擺脫世事無常,癡情散落壹地,如枯落的花,入了塵埃,斷了誰的念。(7)、黄昏晓,无心弹奏一曲叹离别,惊了枝头成双雁。Dusk dawn, no mood to play a tune with separation, surprised the branches into two geese.(8)、Perhaps silence proved not sure也许沉默不过证明没有把握。(9)、讓春天的溫暖陪伴著妳,讓小草的綠意陪伴著妳,讓燦爛的陽光陪伴著妳,伴妳踏上征途,並早日獲得成功。(10)、爱上你不是错,错的是,我没能让你爱上我。Fall in love with you is not wrong, wrong is that I can"t let you fall in love with me.(11)、在你难过烦燥的时候,我更期望我能陪在你身边,可此刻还不能够。When you are sad irritation, I also hope I can accompany in your side, but also can not at the moment.(12)、這年代,誰浮誇了我的笑容誰濫用了我的真心。(13)、你以为已经忘记了,却被一首歌,一句话,一张照片生生的将往事勾起。You think have forgotten, is a song, in a word, a picture of living will be hooked up.(14)、爱情不能当饭吃,但没有爱情的饭吃着还有什么味那?Love can"t be eat, but no meal to eat what flavor that love?(15)、你的唇是一种毒药,让我上瘾,让我魂牵梦绕Your lips is a kind of poison, let me addictive, let my heartstring(16)、沒有人有耐心聽妳講完自己的故事,因為每人都有自己的話要說;沒有人喜歡聽妳抱怨生活,因為每個人都有自己的苦痛。這世界願意傾聽習慣沈默的人,難得幾個。我再也不想對別人提(17)、愿有来生眉眼如初风华如故。May have an afterlife eyebrow eye the same elegance unchanged.(18)、该有人发明一种让行人安心安全过马路的方法。很多人都是绿灯时在斑马线上被车子撞倒的。The someone invented a way of to reassure the pedestrian safety crossing the street. A lot of people is a green light on the zebra crossing when been knocked down by a car.(19)、要想建立爱的家庭,必须先有爱家的思想If you want to build a love family, must first have a loving family(20)、总有一天我们都会明白,人首先要爱的永远都是自己。One day we will understand, people must first love will always be yourself.(21)、我們微笑著說我們停留在時光的原處其實早已被洪流無聲地卷走(22)、有时候你越是迁就一个人,那个人就越是得寸进尺Sometimes the more you give in to a person, that person is, the more luck(23)、你曾经给的那些名叫爱的东西早已灰飞烟灭。Have you ever to those things called love already.(24)、我們用雙手緊緊地握別,讓感覺在手中輕輕撩過,共享壹份難忘的溫馨……We firmly with both hands shake, let the feeling in your hands gently scrape, sharing a unforgettable warmth...(25)、男女朋友沒法遷就越拖越久越想分手。(26)、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。You are my guess at a loss, I am insignificant you think not.(27)、你的废话怎么比湖南卫视的广告还多啊。What"s the matter with your nonsense more than hunan TV ads.(28)、不想再做那个被蒙在鼓里的傻女孩楽I don"t want to do the girl kept in the silly joy(29)、明月几时有?抬头自我瞅。When the moon? Look up at myself.(30)、点一线的生活,麻痹的没有感情Point a line of life, no emotional paralysis




1、纷乱人世间,除了你一切繁华都是背景。Chaos in the world, in addition to you all busy background.2、日久不一定生情,但必定见人心。有时候也怕,时间会说出真话。Time does not necessarily living feeling, but must see the heart. Sometimes also fear, time will tell the truth.3、没有不合适的两个人,只有一颗不想在一起的心。There is no inappropriate two people, only a heart don"t want to be together.4、有誰不曾為那暗戀而痛苦?我們總以為那份癡情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。有壹天,暮然回首,我們才發現,它壹直都是很輕,很輕的。我們以為愛的很深,很深,來日歲月,會讓妳知道,它不過很淺,很淺。最深和最重的愛,必須和時日壹起成長。5、等你来,海角天涯,和我一起山花浪漫。Waiting for you to come, cape tianya, mountain flower romance with me.6、說再見從前的從前就在那個再也記不起的雨天溫度從指尖走遠。Say goodbye once upon a time once upon a time in the don"t remember the rainy day temperature from the fingertips go far.7、是否青涩的青春,遇见你只在路途,却不知你即将远走。又或许,太过于年少的爱情我们都走在成长的旅途中,盲目的寻找不到方向,跌跌撞撞的奔向远方。一场相遇已是缘尽一如烟光落下的薄凉,一场绚丽的开放已是开至尽头的荼靡。8、离人心上秋,此恨到白头。可怜相思意,付诸玉沉沟。Writes a heart in the autumn of the hate to grow. Poor acacia, sink into the jade ditch.9、当真想被戳穿之后,剩下的只是一颗支离玻碎的心。Really want to be after puncture, the rest is just a single glass broken heart.10、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。11、畢竟有緣,我們共聚了三個春秋,今天要離去--為了彼此的夢想,除了道壹聲珍重,更願妳快樂活潑。after all, is predestined friends, we are the three during the spring and autumn, today to leave - to each other"s dreams, in addition to a treasure, I wish you a happy and lively.12、你要知道,不是每句对不起,都能换来一句没关系。Do you want to know, not every sentence sorry, can get a it doesn"t matter.13、有时候明知不该,但还是会去做,正因是凡人。Sometimes knowing shouldn"t, but will still to do it, because is mortal.14、我的世界不允许你的离开,只要你在我身边就好My world don"t allow you to leave, as long as you by my side15、有时候宁愿永远的失去,也不要这么痛苦的纠缠着Sometimes would rather lost forever, don"t be so painful to dog16、當明天變成了今天成為了昨天,最後成為記憶裏不再重要的某壹天,我們突然發現自己在不知不覺中已被時間推著向前走,這不是靜止火車裏,與相鄰列車交錯時,仿佛自己在前進的錯覺,而是我們真實的在成長,在這件事裏成了另壹個自己。When tomorrow becomes today become yesterday, eventually become a memory no longer important one day, we suddenly found himself in imperceptible in has been time pushing forward, it is not still in the train, and the adjacent train staggered, as if their along the illusion, but we in the growth of the real, became another yourself in this matter.17、她讓妳紅了眼眶 , 妳卻還笑著原諒。18、永远别放弃一个你每天都在想念的人。Never give up a person you are in my thoughts every day.19、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬間當成永遠,把現在都變成回憶,壹點壹滴。20、是不是学会抽烟。喝酒。打架,就是坏女孩,是不是这样,就能够没心没肺,冷血无情地活着。If learn to smoke. A drink. Fight, is a bad girl, isn"t that true, can be carefree, bloodless, alive.21、把爱写成兵临城下的不朽传奇那么你会不会不辞冰雪披荆斩棘地奔赴而来。To enemy at the gate of the immortal legend written the love so you will not be way to snow and ice.22、一路还长别太狂以后指不定谁辉煌。Who still ChangBie too crazy all the way after sometime.www.yw11.com23、爱情,让时间匆匆而过,时间,让爱情消逝于无形。Love, let time in a hurry, time, let the love died in invisible.24、忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,错过的,就当是路过。Forget is memory, continue to life, miss, is just passing by.25、妳從我的夢裏來 ,滿載了我的憂愁。隨風而去不留壹點痕跡。妳揮壹揮衣袖,讓我有了壹份依靠。我輕輕的招手,車子割斷了的畫面,我看妳不完整的臉,我努力的揮手。妳被湧入人群中,視線也變得仿徨。在下個路口,我們依然在壹起。26、一浅墨浓香,淡一世花开;轻雨沉鸿,颠半载流离A shallow ink aroma, light I, flowers; Light rain heavy hon, partly filled internally27、哪一段青春不荒唐?哪一场爱情不受伤?好在,还有后来;好在,还会长大,还会放下。Which Duan Qingchun not ridiculous? What a love does not get hurt? Fortunately, and later; Fortunately, also grow up, still can put down.28、月朦朧,鳥朦朧,我悄悄送妳遠行,從此天邊有了壹顆含淚的星星,永遠註視妳遠去的背影。On hazy, birds hazy, I send you away, quietly from the horizon with a tearful star, always looking at you far of figure.29、人生不是被注定好的,谁都有资格创造人生。Life is not be destined, no one qualified to create life.30、青春〈如花眷美〉终敌不过似水流年。 youth flower beauty as soon as possible all enemy nevertheless timesong.


1)、我爱你是一句我们还没有理解透彻就心甘情愿去说的话We haven"t understand I love you is a thorough is willing to say


2)、路,走到现在仍未结束;天,灰到今天不曾蔚蓝;苦,咽进咽喉仍未消散;想问问哪里有卖开心之果,答曰:你未曾听见吗?窗外的乌鸦在唱歌。Way, go to now still not over; Day, grey today never blue; Bitter, pharynx into his throat has yet to dissipate; Want to ask where there is selling is happy fruit, answer yue: you have not heard? The crow is singing out of the window.3)、我们共同呼吸的那片空气,现在却只留下了荒凉的悲泣Together we breath the air, now only left a desolate weep4)、所谓坚持只不过是一直在糟践自己的心灵The so-called insist is just has been in its heart5)、第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你。The first was crying because you"re not here, for the first time smile because met you, the first time smile shed tears because can"t have you.6)、指缝阳光,灿烂了谁的不堪。Whose fingers sunshine, bright.7)、催眠自己,告訴自己,有幸福。8)、春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。Spring flowers autumn month, summer is cool winter with snow. If have no business hanging heart, is a good time in the world.9)、曾经我们都以为自己可以为爱情死。其实爱情死不了人,它只会在最疼的地方扎上一针。然后我们欲哭无泪,我们辗转反侧,我们久病成医,我们百炼成钢。Once we all think that you can die for love. It wouldn"t hurt to love, it will only be pitched a needle in the most painful place. Then we tears, we tossing and turning, we long illness into medical, we battle-hardened.10)、你还不来,我怎敢老去。11)、向日葵只能在地上远远的看着太阳,看着他的幸福与她无关。Sunflower can only far of looking at the sun, on the ground looking at his happiness has nothing to do with her.12)、花开若相惜,花落莫相离。If a pity flowers, flower falls mo phase.13)、一群穿的花枝招展的男男女女,在灯红酒绿的世界里尽情摇摆。A group of men and women wear ostentatious, rocking in the neon of world.14)、眼泪,真的能够绵绵不绝;而天堂,怎样也比不上你对我微微的一笑。Tears, really can overflow with; And heaven, how also can not compare with you slightly a smile to me.15)、曾經說好的永遠,曾經說好的不放手,曾經說好的要壹起走下去,曾經的壹切,只是曾經16)、眼泪划落D那一瞬间。硪已卟再坚强Tears fall D that moment. I have are strong again17)、你我情如白雪,永远不染尘。I love you, such as snow, always don"t dye dust.18)、有时候想大喊一声,却怕别人用看神经病的眼神鄙视我。Sometimes feel like Shouting, but afraid of other people with mental derangement eye despise me.19)、我倾尽我的年华和时光,来怀念我们曾经许下的地老和天荒。你用尽你的青春和精力,去覆盖我们曾经走过的记忆和时光。然而,我在怀念你,你却在忘记我。20)、我们都还小,不懂爱不懂恨不懂痛,但懂伤。We are still small, do not understand love don"t understand the hate don"t understand pain, but understand injury.21)、主角是用来讲故事的,而配角是用来喜欢的。即使没有为我流过眼泪,但只要你以前正因我而微笑,对我来说就http://wwwcopyrightcom/duhougan/html已经足够了。Supporting leading role is in the story, and is used to like. Even if there is no flow through tears for me, but as long as you before because I smile, http://wwwcopyrightcom/duhougan/html is enough for me.22)、一朝春去红颜老,花落人亡两不知。Once the old spring to beauty, flowers fall apart two don"t know.23)、失恋算什么,中国最不缺的就是人,缺的就是失恋。Brokenhearted, don"t lack the most is that people in China, the need is love.24)、有人说,时间是忘记的良药,但当我喝下这杯良药时,竟然发现我无名地哀痛了起来,想未能沉睡的孤蝉在黑夜无力呻吟,刺痛着每个有心人的心。Some people say that time is the medicine of the forgotten, but when I drink this cup of medicine, unexpectedly found I unknown to mourn, think not sleepy lone cicada to groan in the night, stabbing pain with each of the heart.关于爱情的伤感签名25)、谢谢你出现在我的生命里,即使不能爱你。Thank you appear in my life, even if can"t love you with all they have.26)、最近比较烦比较烦烦烦烦!无聊的世界苍天,请赐我一死我睡觉去安静一下!Recently more tired more vexed vexed vexed vexed! Boring world heaven, please give me to die I go to bed quiet!27)、从相遇的那一刻开始,逃不开的永远是命运的羁绊From that moment on, encounter starts always is the fetters of fate28)、想在一起的时候,有很多理由,但是不想在一起就只有一个理由,就是不爱了。Want to together of the time, there are many reasons, but don"t want to be together only one reason, is not love.29)、他呆立在那里,仿佛世界已离他远去,生活的希望与意义对他来说只是无聊的插曲。He just stood there, as if the world has had passed away, the life of hope and meaning for him just boring interlude.30)、我们一向从岁恋爱到岁,今年我们结婚了。我们只是想证明岁的感情不是叛逆,而是过早的遇到对的人。We always from the age of love to the old, we get married this year. We just want to prove, the feelings of not rebellious, but early to meet the right person.


(1)、我爱你,没有什么目的。只是爱你。I love you, no purpose. Just love you.


(2)、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。(3)、別離,有點難舍,但不悵然;有點遺憾,但不悲觀。因為相逢的希望在安慰。(4)、一缕阳光一叶清风一种情怀一场播种一把泥土溢出惬意,鸟语花香般恬暖……A ray of sunshine is a cool breeze feelings a sow a mud overflow, charactizing a fine spring day like tian warm...(5)、最痛苦的是,消失了的東西,它就永遠的不見了,永遠都不會再回來,卻偏還要留下壹根細而尖的針,壹直插在妳心頭,壹直拔不去,它想讓妳疼,妳就得疼。The most painful is, disappeared things, it"s never gone, never come back again, but partial will leave a thin and sharp needles, has been in your heart, always can"t pull, it wants to let you pain, you have to get hurt.(6)、你若敢陪我来玩至死不渝的爱情,我就敢一辈子是你的。If you dare to accompany me to play to die of love, I dare forever is you.(7)、当你转身离去的那一刹那,我已明白了你的心声The moment when you walk away, I have see your heart(8)、他很能耗,我也不是病貓。只是當意外來臨的時侯,妳早已挽住他的手!(9)、如果可以,请与我一同溺死在烟花的盛开里If you can, please with me drowning in the bloom of fireworks(10)、是不是壹個人獨處時間比兩個人相戀時間長的人,更容易從傷痛中走出?(11)、明明知道聽到那些事之後會傷心,但是還是想了解妳的壹切。(12)、到最后,你总会明白,谁是虚心假意,谁是真心实 意,谁为了你不顾一切。In the end, you will understand, who is modest in pretend, who is really real, who is desperate for you.(13)、篱旁夏花绚烂,飘渺间盈盈唯美,探一朵花开,沁一脉馨香……Between the fence beside the summer flowers and ethereal ying ying aestheticism, a flower, ooze a pulse fragrance...(14)、很多我們以為壹輩子都不會忘記的事情,就在我們念念不忘的日子裏,被我們遺忘了。关于爱情的伤感签名(15)、深呼吸練習忘記妳…Deep-breathing exercises to forget you...(16)、有時候我們懷念的並不是當初的那段感情我們懷念的只是當初的自己罷了。Sometimes we miss not miss at the beginning of the feelings we are just at the beginning of his.(17)、孤獨的心,獨舞在我的指尖,揮墨成淚的眷戀裏,難訴衷腸。(18)、那么多真心的付出到头来只换了一句对不起。So many really pay in the end only changed a word I"m sorry.(19)、走在壹起是緣分,壹起在走是幸福。(20)、我不是真的傻瓜,只是曾經為妳心甘情願。現在,我也學會對妳偽裝了,不冷不熱,不鹹不淡。然後聽妳輕輕地說,妳變了。我不知道,是該笑還是該哭。I"m not really a fool, just once for you willingly. Now, I also learn to disguise to you, not cold not hot, not salty not light. Then listen to you gently say, you have changed. I don"t know, is to laugh or to cry.(21)、你至少要给我一个衬托的介口,让我明白所谓的幸福。At least you give me a dielectric foil mouth, let me understand the so-called happiness.(22)、一没有谁天生亏欠对方什么。What no one born owe each other.(23)、好想念那個有妳們陪伴的時光,越想念的時候,就會在壹個無人的角落裏,讓眼淚滴滴答答的灑落,但不管灑落多少,不管浸濕了所有的壹切,終還是抓不住我們遺失的美好。(24)、某种事情上人要学会自量,但不要学会自制,多傻都好,让自己疯一次,人生不要留遗憾。Something here to learn from, but don"t learn to self-control, stupid, let yourself crazy once, life don"t leave a regret.(25)、腦海中不由自主的翻起了過往的日記,心便有了壹絲酸楚,從而讓今夜的心不再那麽平靜。也許是累了,也許是倦了,也許是疲憊了,想借助酒精讓自己進入夢境,但卻讓我在這個不知年月的夜晚興奮了許多,但卻不是快樂,這可能就是寂寞中的寂寞。Involuntarily in the mind turns up past diary, heart began to have a trace of bitterness, thus let the heart no longer so quiet tonight. May be tired, perhaps is tired, perhaps is tired, want to use alcohol to dream, but let me in the night excited many don"t know, but it is not happy, it"s probably in the lonely lonely.(26)、泅渡一个世界共一场生死。Swim across a world, a life and death.(27)、没必要为一些没必要的人付出没必要的必要。There is no need to pay for some people who don"t need not necessary need to.(28)、女孩要知道爱情它不是童话,没有你想象中的那么美好Girl you know it is not a fairy tale love, have no you imagination of so good(29)、网恋,异地恋怎样了?我坚信最终我们会在一齐的。How is the net love, long distance relationships? I firmly believe that we will be together in the end.(30)、我总是以为自己是会对流失的时间和往事习惯的。不管在哪里,碰到谁。以什么样的方式结束。I always thought he was on the habit to time and past events running off. No matter where, whom meet. In what way to end.


1、不好在别人面前哭,没有人会可怜你,要哭,关上门吧。Not cry in front of others, no one will pity you, want to cry, close the door.


2、分手后不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过,不可以做敌人,因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人。3、青春應該怎樣度過?有的如同烈火,永遠照耀別人。有的卻像熒光,甚至也照不亮自己!不同的生活理想,不同的生活態度,決定壹個人在戰鬥中站的位置。The youth should be how to spend? Some like a fire, forever upon others. Others like fluorescent, even as not bright! Different ideal of life, different life attitude, decide the position of a man standing in the battle.4、只想抓住而不肯放弃。但什么都不肯放弃,你活得多累。会放弃的人生才会更洒脱。Just want to seize and refused to give up. But refused to give up everything, you live more tired. Will give up the life will be more free and easy.5、能够爱很多人,但只有一个人会让你笑得最灿烂,哭得最悲哀。Can love many people, but only one person will make you laugh the most brilliant, cry the most sad.6、城市的夜風肆虐過指尖,有冰冷的觸感,斑斕的霓虹帶著倉皇的姿態壹閃而過。7、Feelings of time always forward,never weak retention eyes感慨時間的永遠向前,從不懦弱的滯留眼前。8、时间会犹豫,会呼吸,会为我们停。Time will hesitate, will breathe, will stop for us.9、我是壹棵樹立路旁的樹,千年守望著孤獨。只為有壹天,妳會走過我跟前,能看壹看我布滿滄桑的臉!10、如果能够,请与我一同溺死在烟花的盛开里。If you can, please with me drowning in the bloom of fireworks.11、我希望你幸福,因为那是我最大的心愿。我又怕你幸福,因为那样你就会忘了我。I hope you happiness, because that is my biggest wish. I again afraid you happiness, because then you will forget me.12、当男人对女人说“对不起”的时候,那么,女人将彻底的输了。When a man said to the woman, "I"m sorry", so, women will completely lost.13、時光沒有教會我任何東西,卻教會了我不要輕易去相信神話Time has not taught me anything, actually has taught me never to believe the myth14、能用钱解决的问题都不是问题,可问题是我是穷人。The problem is not money can solve problems, the problem is I am a poor man.15、我在七夕那天,我從鵲橋上掉了下來,從此便單身了。16、知不知道你不经意的一句话,会影响我一天的情绪。Know you inadvertently in a word, will affect my mood of a day.17、不管妳奔赴海角天涯,也不管離別會有多久,我會等待等待。18、夏日的阳光透过香樟树的叶子,留下一地的斑驳。summer sunshine through the leaves of the camphor tree leaves a mottled.19、傷口就像我壹樣,是個倔強的孩子,不肯愈合,因為內心是溫暖潮濕的地方,適合任何東西生長。20、那年梨花瘦你要走,偏偏逢小雨我淋透,一夜冷涩入喉,凑不出半句挽留。Pear flower that year thin you want to go, it happened every shower of rain I, night LengSe into the throat, gather together a half sentence to retain.21、能沖刷壹切的除了眼淚,就是時間。22、看似没心没肺,大大咧咧的女孩,只不过是把所有的温柔留给值得去爱的人。Seemingly carefree, careless girl, just leave all the tender to worthy of love.伤感英文签名,英文伤感签名大全

孩子 皮肤