当幸福来敲门经典台词 精选中英文对照对白大盘点

发布时间: 2020-08-02 10:53:55


1、Chris: Time to get up, man. get up.

醒来 该起床了。

3、Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.

查尔斯 加德纳:假如你有理想,就需要守卫它。

4、Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!

查尔斯 加德纳:拥有总体目标就需要竭尽全力。

5、Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.

查尔斯 加德纳:他一定穿了一条非常好的牛仔裤子。

6、There is an I in happiness ,There is no Y in happiness ,It s an I.


7、Don t ever let somebody tell you you can t do something, not even me.


8、This is part of my life story. This part is called Riding the Bus.

这儿叙述的就是我人生经历的一部分,这些称为 搭公车 。

9、That seems like a time machine. It s a time machine. Take me with you.


10、I was smart back then, so they called me Ten-Gallon Head.

我儿时很聪慧,因此大家都要我 超级高比例 。

11、Chris: Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or something?


12、Charlie: Hey, listen. I need the rent. I can t wait anymore.


13、Twistle: Chris, I don t know how you did it dressed as a garbage man but you pulled it off.


14、Chris Gardner:People can t do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.

查尔斯 加德纳:当大家没法做到一些事儿的情况下,她们便会对你说你也一样不可以。

15、Linda: So I gotta get Christopher home, feed him, bathe him get him in bed, and be back here by 7?

因此我得先接他回家了,煮饭,给他们冼澡 哄他入睡,随后七点前返回这里?

16、Chris: Stockbroker. Oh, goodness. Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh?


17、And the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking.


18、Chris: Then go get happy, Linda! Just go get happy. But Christopher s living with me.


19、Chris: I still remember that moment. They all looked so damn happy to me. Why couldn t I look like that?


20、Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?


21、And I made up my mind as a young kid that when I had children my children were gonna know who their father was.


22、Chris: All right, I ll paint it myself. All right, but I just I gotta have some more time I got my son up in here.


23、Chris: I was waiting for Witter Resource head Jay Twistl whose name sounded so delightful, like he d give me a job and a hug.

我在等Witter企业人事部门负责人Jay Twistle,他的名字听起来很可爱就仿佛他会帮我份工作,另加一个相拥。

24、I thought I d catch you on the way in. I d love the opportunity to discuss what may seem like weaknesses on my application.


25、Chris: You should have seen me out there today. Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down.


26、So I m used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and Mr Twistle, listen. This is a very important.

我习惯作出选择,并且 Twistle老先生,请听我说,这很重要。

27、I m the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don t know the answer,I m gonna to tell you that I don t know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I ll find the answer.

我是这样的人,假如你问的难题我也不知道回应,我能立即对你说 我也不知道 。但我向你确保:我明白怎样寻找答案,并且我一定会找到回答的。

28、You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can t do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.



《当幸福来敲门》是由加布里尔 穆奇诺执行导演,维诺 阿诗丹顿等出演的美国片。电影取样真实事件,主人公是非裔美国人项目投资权威专家Chris Gardner。


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