正义联盟超人的葬礼开场歌曲是什么 抓人旋律引人泪崩

发布时间: 2020-07-22 11:38:29


歌曲名:Everybody Knows 歌唱者:Sigrid

原唱者是Leonard Cohen 歌曲名《Everybody Knows》 这一版是Sigrid唱的,这歌能够 在网络上搜到,要想听影片正版得话一定要记牢电影中的歌唱者是Sigrid。

Sigrid 是一位创作型歌手,她近期由于新著作《Don t Kill My Vibe》而得到了许多 适用。iPhone在 Sigrid 的 Up Next 档案资料上是那样说的:作为一名词曲作者,Sigrid 有着一种振奋人心的声线和不费力气的技能,她是一名喜爱歌曲的流行歌手。

Leonard Cohen(1934年9月21日-2017年11月7日),出生于魁北克省多伦多市,澳大利亚知名演员、歌星、作词作曲、导演、小说作家、艺术大师、作家。


经典作品有影片《我是你的男人》、个人专辑《Ten New Songs》等,喜获第52届格莱美音乐奖诺贝尔物理奖。他被《纽约时报》称赞为 摇滚音乐界的拜伦 。2017年10月21日,沃斯特公布了自身第14张个人专辑 《You Want It Darker》 。2017年11月7日,在国外过世,寿终82岁。

Leonard Cohen(伦纳德沃斯特)最先是个作家,这一真实身份比他的音乐制作人真实身份要早晨十一。出生在澳大利亚皇室家中的沃斯特,23岁就出版发行了第一本文集《让我们比拟神话》(Let Us Compare Mythologies),并使他迅速变成澳大利亚最具奇才的散文诗人之一。


Everybody Knows 歌曲歌词详细介绍

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

Everybody knows the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor the rich get rich

That s how it goes

Everybody knows

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking

Everybody knows that the captain lied

Everybody got this broken feeling

Like their father or their dog just died

Everybody talking to their pockets

Everybody wants a box of chocolates

And a long stem rose

Everybody knows

Everybody knows that you love me baby

Everybody knows that you really do

Everybody knows that you ve been faithful

Oh give or take a night or two

Everybody knows you ve been discreet

But there were so many people you just had to meet

Without your clothes

Everybody knows

Everybody knows everybody knows

That s how it goes

Everybody knows

Everybody knows everybody knows

That s how it goes

Everybody knows

And everybody knows that it s now or never

Everybody knows that it s me or you

And everybody knows that you live forever

When you ve done a line or two

Everybody knows the deal is rotten

Old black Joe s still picking cotton

For your ribbons and bows

孩子 皮肤