钱包英语怎么说 微信钱包3月1日起提现收费,“收费”英语怎么说?

发布时间: 2020-12-26 13:06:40
从今年3月1日起,支付将对提现功能收取手续费。让宝宝赶紧去红包提个现去。我们来看一段相关的英文报道 WeChat, a Tencent-backed popular messaging application that boasts half a billion users, will start to charge individual users to transfer money from the app"s digital wallet service to their personal bank accounts. WeChat said this week that it will start to charge a fee of 0.1 percent for each transfer from its digital wallet service called WeChat Wallet to users" personal bank accounts from March 1. The minimum charge for each transfer is 0.1 yuan. But each individual user is still allowed to transfer up to 1,000 yuan for free. 将开始向个人用户收取钱包提现费用。是由腾讯公司推出的颇受欢迎的即时通讯应用,目前已拥有5亿用户。 本周宣布,从3月1日起钱包提现将收费,收费额度按照提现金额的0.1%执行。每笔提现的收费至少0.1元。 但每位用户仍可享受最高1000元的免费提现额度。


WeChat said the new move isn"t meant to make profits but to cover the charges banks impose on transactions.

[ 参考答案:方面表示,新举动并非追求盈利,而是用于支付银行收取的交易手续费。]


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Edited by 典典

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