蓝道 澳大利亚蓝道商业购物街景观 / HASSELL Studio

发布时间: 2020-12-17 22:23:05


Since it was set up as a pedestrian zone in 1976, the blue road shopping center has been Adelaide’s largest commercial shopping area. Today, there are more than 700 retail stores, 350 businesses, three department stores and 15 shopping streets connected by 10,000 square meters of public open space.

HASSELL Studio设计事务所与ARUP一起,协同负责购物中心重建项目的详细设计方案。阿德莱德市议会的提议是,重振蓝道购物中心,确保其未来成为更加繁荣和令人振奋的商业区和市民活动中心。设计的构想是将购物中心重塑为一个灵活多变的都市空间,促进联系和交流。HASSELL / ARUP的设计方案最大限度地扩展购物中心的空间,使环境能每季、每周甚至每日都呈现丰富的变化,同时促进社交互动和与市区及市外的联系。它通过转移或去除中轴部分的多余结构,使购物中心充分向公众开放;另外,特色铺石地面和从南澳大利亚自然景观借鉴的定制都市元素重新赋予了购物中心独特的美感。

HASSELL Studio design office, together with ARUP, is responsible for the detailed design scheme of shopping center reconstruction project. The Adelaide city council’s proposal is to revitalize the blue road shopping center and ensure it becomes a more prosperous and exciting business and civic center in the future. The design concept is to reshape shopping center into a flexible urban space to promote communication and communication. HASSELL/ARUP design maximum extension of shopping center space, make the environment can be daily, weekly, or even quarterly presents rich change, at the same time promote social interaction and the contact outside the city and the city. It makes the shopping center fully open to the public by transferring or removing redundant structures in the middle axis. In addition, the distinctive stone paving ground and customized urban elements borrowed from the natural landscape of south Australia have endowed the shopping center with unique beauty.


The shopping center has become greener by increasing tree planting along the street, improving amenities and framing the famous architectural heritage. At night, the hanging chain lighting system makes the space more dynamic, adding color to the activity and creating focus through custom lighting scenes. The “plug and play” service along the street has created the conditions for a temporary series of social, cultural, retail and entertainment activities. The careful planning of these “temporary facilities” ensures that the environment is constantly changing, attracting tourists with new things.


Strategically reposition the reconstruction plans will be blue, shopping center, creating a fascinating place, attract wider tourists, encourage them to stay longer, for the future of the shopping center to provide the basis of a strong and elastic.

澳大利亚蓝道商业购物街景观 Rundle Mall Redevelopment by HASSELL Studio

项目名称:澳大利亚蓝道商业购物街景观 项目类型:商业景观 位置:澳大利亚 景观设计:HASSELL Studio

Project name: Rundle Mall Redevelopment Project type: Commercial Landscape Location: Australia Landscape: HASSELL Studio

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