透明软骨 不含软骨下骨的单纯组织工程透明软骨移植用于骨软骨全面再生

发布时间: 2020-12-17 17:50:57


Figure 1. Schematic illustration of full-scale osteochondral repair using man-made hyaline-like cartilage grafts with a timeline. Preparation and implantation of LhCG and dLhCG. During fabrication, gelatin-based Microspheres are used as porogen to create same sized Microcavities in Chondrocytesladen hydrogel constructs. As solely cartilage-based grafts, LhCG and dLhCG are respectively implanted to fill the full depth of osteochondral defects consisting of both articular cartilage and subchondral bone . Up to 50 d after implantation, the whole defects was filled up with regenerated cartilage neo-tissue; and up to 100 d after implantation, the articular cartilage and subchondral bones were both regenerated well in their corresponding positions, respectively.


Figure 2. a) dLhCG from LhCG in comparison to decellularized native cartilage, a) histology of LhCG, dLhCG, native cartilage and decellularized native cartilage , respectively, by H&E stain, Saf O stain and IHC stain with primary antibody of collagen TypeII and counter stained by DAPI. Scale bar: 100 µm. b) Quantification of DNA residue, GAG and total collagen contents in all samples: LhCG and dLhCG in comparison to Native and dNat. * means p ≤0.05, ** means p ≤ 0.01, *** means p ≤ 0.001, and **** means p ≤ 0.0001. Positive Saf O stain of GAG appears in bright red; positive IHC stain of Col II appears as emitting green florescence; and positive DAPI stain of cell nuclei appears as emitting blue florescence.

随后研究者分别在植入手术后第50天和第100天对受损软骨部位进行表征和分析。结果发现,在植入后第50天骨软骨样新生组织完全填补了骨软骨缺损,关节面从创伤性凹陷中恢复,新生成的骨基质出现在下面的区域,新组织倾向于与周围的原生组织整合,且新基质由丰富的II型胶原和少量的I型胶原组成。再生组织的超微结构显示LhCG和dLhCG组在植入50天时软骨区及软骨下骨区均出现明显再生。植入100天后, LhCG和dLhCG组均实现了骨软骨缺损完全愈合,关节软骨和软骨下骨新生组织均在各自的缺损区域再生。

Figure 3. Histology of osteochondral repair by engraftment of cartilage implants, dLhCG and LhCG, at testing time points of day-50 and 100, respectively. a) H&E stain, b) MT stain, c) Saf O stain, and IHC stain with d) primary antibody of Type II collagen and e) Type I collagen . The negative control, namely the untreated defects that are left void of grafts, is marked as “untreated”. Two arrows are used to indicate the location and width of the experimental defects originally made. Scale bar: 500 µm. f) Polarized light microscopy of picrosirius stain, which reveals ultrastructural histology of both articular cartilage zone and subchondral bone zone of the samples. The samples include LhCG, dLhCG, the negative control “Untreated” and the positive control—intact, surrounding native Cart and Sub-B of the host—marked as “Native”. Scale bar: 500 µm. Positive Saf O stain of GAG appears in bright red; positive MT stain of collagens appears blue; positive IHC stain using DAB which precipitates in the presence of HRP conjugated Col II and Col I appears in golden yellow. Picrosirius stains relative thick matrix fibers in red or dark yellow; stains relatively delicate fibers in green or light yellow; and stains the superficial edge of articular cartilage with a bright red line.


Figure 4. Biochemical analysis of osteochondral neo-tissue after engraftment of pure cartilage implants: dLhCG and LhCG. The negative control, namely the untreated defects that are left void of grafts, is marked as “untreated”; and the positivecontrol, namely the intact surrounding native tissues of the host, is marked as “native”. The samples harvested from the articular cartilage zone are marked as “Cart” and the samples harvested from the subchondral bone zone are marked as “Sub-B”. The analyses include DNA assay, GAG assay, collagen assay, and calcium assay. The samples are normalized by wet weight. * means p ≤0.05, ** means p ≤ 0.01, *** means p ≤ 0.001, and **** means p ≤ 0.0001.


Figure 5. Representative µCT images of coronary, sagittal and transverse sections of regenerated tissue with surrounding tissue treated by dLhCG and LhCG implants in comparison to untreated defect that were left void without any implantation of graft marked as “Untreated” at a) day-50 and b) day-100. Scale bar: 2 mm. The arrow pointed to the defect site.

综上所述,研究者仅通过植入组织工程化软骨移植物而不植入任何软骨下骨替代物来修复穿透整个关节软骨层并显著凹陷到软骨下骨的全范围创伤性骨软骨缺损。为此,分别植入纯组织工程透明质样软骨移植LhCG及其脱细胞衍生物dLhCG,以填充整个骨软骨缺损。植入后50-100天,LhCG和dLhCG植入的骨软骨均逐渐显示出良好的再生。到第50天,整个缺损区被再生的软骨新组织完全覆盖;到第100天,骨软骨缺损完全愈合,关节软骨和软骨下的新骨组织在各自的区域内再生良好,也与宿主周围的本地组织结合良好。研究证实只要关节软骨能在顶部再生良好,软骨下骨的修复就可以通过原位自发的自我重塑来完成。本研究由新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程学院王东安教授团队完成,并于2019年12月10日在线发表于Advanced Healthcare Materials。论文信息:Xiaolei Nie, Jian Yang, Yon Jin Chuah, Wenzhen Zhu, Yvonne Peck, Pengfei He, and Dong-An Wang*. Full-Scale Osteochondral Regeneration by Sole Graft of Tissue-Engineered Hyaline Cartilage without Co-Engraftment of Subchondral Bone Substitute. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 9:1901304.供稿:韩峰审校:袁章琴编辑:丁路光
孩子 皮肤